Season of Mists

and mellow fruitfulness.

Do I look good in Autumn colours? 

Our walk to Argyle Park earlier this week was made in the muffled environment of thick fog.  F said it was even thicker in town because it is right beside the river. 

We are getting Autumn colours early this year.
And there is already snow on Mt Hutt.

I had fun making wet footprints...

Today we went to the river with the Boss's jet boat and made noise and sprayed a lot of water about.  I was pleased to recognize F arriving on her bike and ran across several braids of the river to make sure she knew it was safe to cross.

Nephew H got the boat stuck in a shallow bit on a shingle bank.  That took a while to sort out.

It was late afternoon. H went swimming. Amir fell in! I chased some sticks.  We collected some rubbish from the riverbed. We didn't nearly lose the boat in a strong current (F's arms looked a bit strained hanging onto it while the others used one truck to pull the other one (with the boat trailer on the back) out of where it got stuck further up the river.) 

Now I'm waiting for some fish'n'chips to fall off the table in the back yard.  It is a very mellow Friday evening in rural Canterbury.


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  1. Fergus that sounds like a good day full of adventures!

  2. Oh Fergus...didn't you have fun!

  3. You looked very stoic leading the way along the long road to nowhere - then sprightly as you frolicked in the leaves……and yes that looks very autumnal indeed. Has summer upped and left you already? Hope it doesn’t leave us just yet…..but you’re at a lower latitude than us so that might explain it.

  4. love those paw prints, you should see the size of Beaus prints, 4 times as big as yours and on the living room carpet.. I like the muffled sounds of fog, or mist. what and adventure at the water... you are living the LIFE

  5. Hari OM
    Fergus, mate, that sounds about perfect for a doggy outing... the humans might have been a little less enamoured of the day and its shenanigans. Then again, skirting dangers is what helps to remind us we are alive and brings the true spirit of adventure out in us. I do hope you got a share of the "fush'n'chups"!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Looks like a very fun walk! I love the colorful trees!

  7. Lovely autumn pictures. Enjoy your autumn days

  8. A fun day and lovely autumn colors.

  9. Fergus
    Beautiful colors and textures in trees and fantastic paw prints!

  10. It sounds like an action packed day
    We are not getting autumn colours yet. It’s still very very hot
    We are definitely looking forward to lots of rain and much cooler temperatures here.


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