Knitting Yarn

Recently F hasn’t been using the motorbike.  It’s parked in the garage and covered up.  She still goes away though so she must be going on a train again.  Mr B hasn’t been to the station on Friday nights for a while so maybe she walks there and back.

Anyway her ‘non’ motorbike season always seems to coincide with an increase in an activity that F calls knitting.  I’m ambivalent about knitting.  It means that she sits down for longer periods of time, but I still can’t sit on her because she’s waving those long pins around.

On the other hand the wriggling, jerking yarn looks appealing and just inviting a good POUNCE – but F always tries to keep it tucked into a bag near her feet.

I got a really good one the other day.  She was winding some yarn around the legs of an upside down stool (don’t ask me; she does some very weird things) and an ever diminishing round ball was scooting around the dining room.  It desperately needed pouncing on before it disappeared completely….

At least Mr B thought it’s knotted up entrails were funny……  HE laughed.
