
They’ve been away again.  It always seems to coincide with the hot time of the year.  They took both my motorbikes, and brought them back really dirty and spattered with bugs.  They didn’t send me a postcard this time but their photographs seem to be full of very big, very old buildings. 

So where do you suppose this is then?

I missed my trips to the allotment.  When I finally got to go back and inspect lots of things have changed – bigger mostly – but there are big cracks in some of the ground too!

However what really caught my attention on the way there and back was building works right across the middle of my ‘common’.  I couldn’t stop looking at all the orange plastic barriers and red/white striped tape.  It looks like someone’s building a motorway, a motorway that bi-sects the green-sward and goes nowhere.

I wonder what that’s for.

There’s hardly anyone else at the allotments.  I visited all the regulars, but there was no one at home.  And I had to share my transport on the way home with buckets full of beetroot and red onions, huge zucchini things, a pile of beans and some rhubarb.

F’s been making rhubarb jam and some thing she calls rat-a-too-ee.  Despite the rat in the title it isn’t appealing to cats.
