Tigger Apologizes

This is a note from Tigger's Mum (secretary)..... The old computer got too old.  It became incompatible with Blogger - we could post photos but we couldn't enter any text.  Strangely enough the new computer was incompatible with Blogger - it was error messages from day one, and although we could manage the text at last, we couldn't add any photos.

Tigger's Mum is not particularly tech savvy, and has no patience with 'computer crap' (much to Tigger's distress); she doesn't even use her Smart Phone for anything other than making phone calls! She has been heard expressing the view that some people (and cats) need to get a life (of their own), rather than spend 23 hours a day reading about other people's lives.  So for some months, Tigger's blog has been unattended while she stomped about doing gardens, baking and sewing for charity craft sales, doing house maintenance, painting the fence .... anything in fact other than wasting precious hours of life trying to get a working computer.

A change of browser has fixed everything and soon Tigger will be able to blog again without Mum banging on about a waste of life.

Writing desk.......hint hint.
TM is still moaning about Window's 8 but some people simply need things to moan about don't they?
Question from TM: At what point in the development of technology does the technology stop being a tool of the user and the user starts becoming a tool of the technology?  And how many of us would recognize the point at which we cross the line?
The hours wasted on this new computer frighten TM; most of them spent satisfying the requests of various programmes (or Apps) to be updated, registered, supported, informed......  Programmes for which TM has no use or application, but cannot know whether they can safely be deleted or disabled.
Bloatware, we believe, is what most of it is called...
