Travelling in the Van

I like travelling in motor vehicles.  It doesn’t make me sick (even on long trips) unless someone shuts me in a box.  If I can sit on someone I’m happy.  When there is only one person it gets a bit cramped on their lap; the steering wheel thing gets in the way.  When there is a passenger I sit on the passenger.  Usually that’s F and she has the sense to take a big cushion so that I’m high enough to see out the windows. 
Sometimes I sit at the back and watch the drivers behind us.
I like views.  My favorites are forests and new towns/cities.  Sometimes I sit on the back shelf in the camper and watch the cars following us.  Tunnels gave me heeby-jeebies the first time I encountered one (Hindhead Tunnel December 2018).  Since then I’ve been through dozens – Channel Tunnel and Gotthard Road Tunnel among them – so far we have always come out the other end and now I just take them as they come; no panic.
