Travel Writer Tigger - Meteora

F was away for a couple of weeks.  She mentioned something about long 'stopovers' and swollen feet.

I think she probably went to New Zealand.  At least I didn't have to supervise a weird house-sitter this time; Mr  B was here.  His daughter came to stay with us, and after F got back all of us went on a road trip to stay in a house with a proper garden, and look at these rocks.

And more of these rocks......
And these were just the ones we could see from our garden.  You have got to admit these are pretty spectacular rock formations.... 

 ...even without the human buildings perched precariously on top....

Without those stairs over there I suspect even cats struggled to make it to the top of some of those rock stacks.  Mr B tells me the human buildings are monasteries.  This one had a 'zip wire'.  It was transporting wood at the time we saw it, but it looked like fun.  

I wasn't allowed to visit a monastery.  So I guarded the van against cats that lurk around the carpark mugging the tourists.  F and E (that's Mr B's daughter) had to wear very fetching skirts provided at the ticket office and that was the last I saw of them for a while.

They told me the church was painted ALL over the inside and they saw the biggest wine barrel they had ever seen.  I hate to think what sort of art that combination produced....
