New form of plastic pollution hits our streets.

Something very strange is going on.  F has started taking me to her work again but we are the only ones there, and the streets en route are strangely quiet.  Lots of shops and cafes are closed.  No one is sitting outside the cafes that are open, so I can’t greet my fans on the commute to work, and lots of the people we do see are wearing masks and surgical gloves.
(I know about masks and surgical gloves, vets wear them. They can’t all be vets can they?)

A new form of plastic pollution has appeared on the streets:  surgical gloves; hundreds and hundreds of gloves – blue ones, black ones, white ones….. all just dropped in the streets.  They have also been joined by a substantial increase in casually discarded wet-wipes
If it was really hot it might feel like summer holiday season, but it isn’t that hot, and people don’t look like they are in holiday moods.  And the gloves are puzzling.

F says what I am witnessing is fear of the unknown; human reaction to uncertainty.  A new disease has started to spread among humans and they are not used to their medicine having no answer for it, no way to protect them from it.

She says that lots of people are 'working from home', 'social distancing', 'self-isolating'.  That sounds dramatic - you humans as social animals, not like we cats. I can live happily in my own space, but you guys will go stir-crazy if you keep that up for too long; not to mention the inter-dependence of the way you have structured your society - you need each other, you need what the other people in your society do and provide for you and each other.

I just need your 'social systems' to keep me provided with catfood.
