Humans Can't See in the Dark

Observation:  Humans cannot see in the dark.

It's true that in real dark, in the total absence of light (like say inside the fridge with the door shut), cats can't see anything (with their eyes) either, but what YOU call dark is just less light than daytime.  And that's plenty of light for a cat.



Distant street light.

Glow from the clock on the microwave (or from Mr B's toothbrush charger)

In towns there is light everywhere, bouncing off everything.  There is even low level light in our basement; it comes from the window beside the top of the stairs. but F needs that humming buzzing strip-light turned on to find me if I dash downstairs into the basement.  I can still evade her though.  She has to turn the light off before she goes up the basement stairs and I can simply sit on the stairs and she can't find me.

Humans can't see in their dark.
