Frying Pan's Theology

F came home in the middle of crashing thunder saying something about God driving his bullock dray.  We had thunder and lightening out of a cloudless sky (if you didn't turn around and look behind!)

When the rain started you couldn't hear the thunder for the rain - rain so heavy it flattened the sea before it made it disappear from view entirely.  The streets quickly became rivers and waterfalls, but fortunately the heaviest of rain only lasted a few minutes before subsiding to simply 'heavy rain'.

When it did, the surface of the sea was suddenly patterned all over again as if pushed in lots of directions at once by wind coming up from all corners, and possibly even straight down in places.
Perhaps not clear in a phone photo that it has gone very strange out there

And the reference to the bullock dray?  It came from this:Poetry Library

Frying Pan's Theology

by Andrew Barton Paterson

Apparently F learned it as a child because it appealed to her. (Along with several other 'Banjo' Paterson poems she occasionally gives me a verse of.)


  1. My mother used to tell us it was God burping - Dad would retort 'sounds like one of your farts!'

  2. Whichever kind of gas, the bloke upstairs had serious digestive tract issues yesterday.

  3. We used to tell the kids god was rearranging the furniture lol
    Love the sound of thunder hope you don’t get too much more rain

    1. We agree on enjoying the drama of thunder. The soil does need some rain. Our aim now is to drag some mulch over as much of the exposed garden as we can to try and keep the moisture in the soil for as long as we can.

  4. It was Zeus throwing thunderbolts over here. He waits, almost daily now, until Morpheus has me in his midday clutch, and then splits the heaven with a deafening crash. The rain comes down suddenly and I have to leap up to save washing, close windows and gather cushions and then half and hour later the sun comes out again.

    You've been awash a few times over there. I wonder if we're going tropical. Climate change around. England has sunshine and sunny Greece has rain

  5. We love that image of Zeus throwing thunderbolts. We used to get some spectacular electrical storms on the south coast of UK, but storm season here is even better. Tigger loves thunder and lightening - we sit out on the balcony in the dark sometimes just to watch for flashes rolling across the Gulf....and listen. Now we will think of Zeus as well. T seems to enjoy fireworks too - which worries F so she always kept him locked indoors on Guy Fawkes night and he had to watch the neighbourhood display from the living room windowsill. Weird cat.


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