Silver Lame Tutu

We've seen it before.  A couple of times in fact.  

You remember seeing a car wearing a silver lame spandex tutu.

The skirt was a bit bedraggled but it was definitely a car wearing a tutu.

It wasn't a young car and had certainly seen better days.  The matt black paint applied with a brush in some stage of redecoration prior to the fitting of the tutu hadn't enhanced its best features, but it could still turn heads.

It's not every day you see a car in the remnants of a sparkly ballet dress.

Today when we saw it again, it had turned the heads of the police.  About 8 of them were attending upon said car and what we surmise had recently been its driver.  He, for it was a he, was looking a tad shell-shocked and being supported at the elbows by a pair of very attentive officers while the rest rummaged about it his large sparkly handbag on wheels - possibly helpfully looking for his medication.
Taking a photo of  'la grande dame automobile' probably wasn't going to be the most sensible response to the scene as it presented itself; so we walked on and you are just going to have to use your own imagination.


  1. Hari OM
    Gracious - this is a tale that would fit into my FFF slot!!! You do see some sights, Tigger. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. We'll try and find some more of those for you. Furrings and purring. Mr T

  2. At first I thought car was a typo and was wondering what you had actually intended to type lol. The mind boggles

  3. That made us chuckle. It might be better we didn't have any photos - imagination can be a wonderful thing. Having said that we read this week about a study conducted in Aus into mind-blindness. Look it up. Anyone with that, reading this, has no chnace.


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