
4 July; 4th day of hottest month.  We've already had days and days of cloudless heat. 


  1. Hari OM
    As is said in these here parts, "it's fair ferfoochin"!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. I read on my phone yesterday , thanks to Google, that the temps here would be 3o cooler. No way José. At least there is finally a bit of a breeze, late afternoon. Too hot though to even think about sitting outside or going for a swim.

  3. F's worried that if she crosses the road to the beach, she will fry before she makes it to the water. Yes, that breeze was welcome

  4. It’s been so cold here. We had to light our second fire place
    So over the rain and the cold
    But you know. Once summer comes. I’ll be complaining about the heat too lol

    1. It's this continental climate thing - we are SOoooo temperate island dwellers....


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