Dragonflies 2 / Lizards 1 (sort of) and a BIG (cat-sized)Tortoise.

Unfortunately the one lizard wasn't on the beach so I'm not sure if it counts.  This isn't really a competition, F's as keen on lizards as I am - see these....

She's got lizards (or geckos) all over the place.

There was a really big tortoise helping itself to vegetation beside the cat feeding station at the top of the beach.  I don't wander about the cat feeding station.  F alleges I'm too soft to hold my own against the feral moggies (and even the dumped domestic felines) that populate the scavenge zone around the rickety stairs, so we scuttle past there with me held aloft in the backpack, but she did point it out and went back later for the photos.

I think I'm tough enough - I've seen off other cats, foxes, pigeons, rats, and even a squirrel or two in my time.

We have resolved the snail dispute by the way - it's much too big to be a snail, and it's got a sort of apron on the back.  F said I should describe it as dinner plate sized, but its way, way bigger than my dinner plate.
... and its eyes don't stick out on stalks


  1. Hari OM
    You're getting the hang of that tortoise now, Tigger. And I do like the lizard ornaments! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Lizard hooks - usually hidden behind coats, umbrellas, and a collection of shopping bags. Furrungs and purrings aunty YAM.

  2. We called them chit chats in Singapore.....proper name Malaysian House Gecko (had to look that up).... http://online-field-guide.com/Chitchat.htm

    1. I think F would like to have zome house geckos. To be honest i wouldn't mind a plaything or two either.

  3. We haven't seen any tortoises for ages. Earlier in spring we could hear them scrabbling about in the long grass.
    I like geckos, samiamides. So fascinating to watch as they stalk prey. Tiggers around here are fascinated by them too but fortunately they usually stick to the top of the wall

    1. I, the Tigger, can verfy their tails come off - and wiggle - which is disconcerting.


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