Relaxation at the Beach

We went to the beach yesterday evening.  It was my first time on the beach for a few weeks, and it is meant to be a relaxing time that I spend looking for lizards and F scans the sky for the return of the dragonflies.

Before we had even reached destination we spied a dog, without string, but sort of accompanied by a woman who seemed more intent on recording her progress on her phone - back to the sea, phone held high, hair shaken back... pout...

Relaxation went entirely out the window when the woman, who at first glance appeared to be picking up plastic bottles littering the place, started throwing said bottles into the sea.  It was clear to me she expected the dog to go and fetch them back.  The dog on the other hand exhibited a modicum of good sense (for a dog); it ambled down to the waters edge and sidled out on a rock ledge until the water lapped its low-hanging tum., and stood there looking dejected.  

The bottles bobbed about.

More bottles were thrown.  

By this time F was muttering audibly and I decided that the best course of action was to go home, so I climbed back into my backpack and gave the 'go home' signal.  To my dismay the lid got zipped shut, I got hoisted aloft and we headed towards the water.  By the time we got there the woman had exhausted her supply of bottles and the dog, having captured a single one, had flown up the rocks and was attempting to bury it in a cloud of dust half way back towards the stairs.

Stupid dog.

Stupid woman.  F, I mean.  There she was, bare feet, skirt hitched up to her hips, tip-toeing out on those rocks where she had cut her feet a few weeks back, fetching bottles out of the sea as they washed towards the corner of the inlet.

There was I zipped into a backpack right at the edge of the water...... water surging towards and sucking away from.....arrrggghhh!  The stuff nightmares are made of.

So much for a relaxing half hour on a dusky beach.

As she was drying off her feet we were low-level strafed by a dragon fly.  Another zoomed over as we headed up to the bins with her booty.  

Dragonflies 2 / Lizards 0.  Perhaps it will be my turn tomorrow.


  1. Hari OM
    Crikey, Mr T - the folk you see when you don't have a trap... I hope that said woman observed F's efforts and thought about it. Probs not though. Still, dragonflies two... something was retrieved; may there be lizards and many more dragons tomorrow! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. One big (REALLY BIG) tortoise today. F got close - photo to be posted tomorrow. One tiny lizard scuttling along the street and dashed into a crack under a doorstep. No dragonflies. Furrings and purrings aunty YAM, from Mr T.

  2. Some people have no sense, Tigger (and I am not referring to F). Hopefully on another day soon you will get to actually enjoy the beach :)

  3. I would've thought it would've been more productive and better for the environment to pick up the bottles and put them in the bin, some people are idiots.


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