Runway Model

When we went to the beach this morning there was a tall skinny white bird like a runway model doing a slow sashay along the edge of the water.

Why does F never have a camera in her pocket when we need it? 

I've seen birds like that high-stepping along the stream outside our house in Hampshire, but I'm sure this one was bigger.  It took to the air and winged off before we got anywhere near it.  A cormorant drying itself out in the spectator seats hadn't got its ticket's worth from the show.

Meanwhile a possible explanation for our not-everyday visitors appeared in the shallows of the sandy corner of our little cove. Squillions of little fish, about 4" (10cm long) were dining at the surface, making the water simmer and casting strange moving shadows on the pale sand; little fish with stripes on, just like me.


  1. Hari OM
    oooh ... mackerel??? tastee things, Mr T... Mr Egret clearly wanted a catch or 87! What a lovely thing to witness - even if without a camera (you need to have serious words with F about obtaining one of those wee water-wear ones...)... not that the pikx should overtake your wonderfurs repawting!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. F says not mackerel (she knows those well). We are working on finding out. She also says good idea about the camera - she missed Mr Bs birthday this year and is in all kinds of trouble, but couldn't think of a really suitable present - she usually arranges some travel experience. You've solved the conundrum. Maybe we will get Mr B to photograph stripey fish and have a guess the fish competition....

  3. I wonder if the small fish were aferina or marithes. Heavens knows what their English names are.
    F needs a camera and a net on her walks


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