
The humans have apparently been in 'lockdown' for a week. From the vantage point of my Condo I can't tell the difference. 

The traffic seems unabated. 

If anything there are more people out on the street - F says that's because we live by the sea and people like to walk and run and play and sunbathe and have parties and meet with their friends and drink coffee and spend time contemplating and take photographs and get out of the house.... by the sea. And when everything else is closed, 'by the sea' is all they have.

I wonder if all these people who turn out in running gear during lockdowns (and only during lockdown) usually run on an indoor treadmill when they aren't locked indoors?

There are more dog-walkers too.

And cyclists. 

People are getting out in the air more than they did in lock up (well that's the opposite of lock down isn't it?)

F has been doing something she calls life laundry this week.  Writing to people. Doing stuff with bits of paper that live in a filing box. I'm actively discouraged from inspecting the contents of the filing box. I reckon I could do the shredding better than that noisy machine under the desk though. It seems to be always jamming up.

Tartan Bed and Stripey Friend


  1. Hari OM
    Well, Blogger is playing tricks with your Friday 13th post coz it has only appeared before here on the 14th! I like your bed and friend, the suit you well. And probs best to steer clear of the 'laundry-mum'... in case you get 'washed' yourself!!! hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. I did get my ears washed, and was told I'm due another nail clipping. xxx Mr T

  3. I lived by the sea for over 20 years, I miss the sound of the waves rolling in from the ocean and the salty air. Mr Cat isn't fussed though.

  4. I know when we were in lockdown over March/April I did alot of treadmilling in my lounge, it was important to get into some sort of routing, the exercise helped.


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