The Week that Was...


That Wee OIk who spent a week as an interloper in my space had been doing a bit of sneezing - so I blame him.  I've got a cough.....I need cuddles.... and I got Mr B's left over wheat bag (nice and warm).  Mr B did something painful to his back so resting and hot wheat bags are exactly what I needed.

See this checked woolly blanket? It's the CAT PINNED blanket. F is a member of the 'Cold? It's not cold - just wear some more clothes' club.

To a point.

There are rugs and blankets all over the place for comfort while watching TV, or winter wine-drinking on the balcony, or just snuggling.

This blanket over Mr B means he is settled down for the evening or a hour or two of watching motor racing on TV.  It is an invitation to make myself comfortable on his legs and then I hear him tell F that he "can't get up because he has been CAT PINNED".

F calls it catified.

I have sensed stress and anxiety about the place.  F has had some terse telephone and video conversations. (I conduct supervision in her office as well.)

They are trying to get Mr B registered in Greece so that he can continue to live with us after 31 December.  I get the impression it is not going well.  F paid some relocation agents to help sort it out and now the civil servants have gone on strike so even the agents are not getting any answers from the bureaucrats.

Those wheat bags (by the way) were made by F's Mum out of some curtains she took down in the kitchen of a house they moved into in the 1980s. Not being one to waste anything - even eye-searing curtains in stout cotton cloth - F's Mum put them to 'good use'.  You start to see where F got her views on 'waste-nothing' and 'make-do' from.

Speaking of  'waste-nothing' and 'make-do'  she has been making shopping bags out of a light canvas hammock given to her by a young woman who used to visit when we weren't locked down.  Laura.  If the humans ever stopped being locked down Laura is bound to make a reappearance in my blog.  She visits with a small human sized package of boundless energy.  She and F talk about gardens, and recycling, and ..... reforestation and ........ and I'm busy keeping a close eye on the activities of the small human.

Laura has just completed a PhD in psychology (studying the efficacy of climate change art in changing peoples' perceptions about environmental issues).

Tiggers are unmoved by climate change art, but I was moved (in my backpack sedan) to the vets (yet again). I got stabbed and I have the indignity of being force-fed pills for a week.

And that is the week that was....


  1. I’ve done something to my neck so wheat bags are my best friends right now
    Love the fact they were made from old curtains.
    Hope your mr b’s back is much better soon.
    It’s horrid having pain

    1. Sorry to read about your neck pain - worst place. They don't call the worst kind of nuisance a pain the neck for nothing. F has a spiky ball that she massages her neck with (leans against the door and sort of shimmies about) when it seizes up. That seems to work quite well if used regularly. I, the Tigger, much prefer the wheat bags. hope you get better soon xxx Mr T

  2. My goodness Tigger, what a week you have had. I do hope you get over your sniffles soon ( I get force fed worm tablets, I really hate it). I hope things get sorted out for Mr B too, because I know how much you love having him around the place.
    Mittens xx

  3. She sounds like a very industrious lady, good for her as for wheatie bags they are extremely effective, I used one when I was in labour with my daughter many years ago.

  4. i never heardof wheat bags, and did not know you when this post was created. headed back to todays post. glad you were sick in the past and not the NOW


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