Up on the Roof

When this old world starts getting me down
And people are just too much for me to face
I climb way up to the top of the stars
And all my cares just drift right into space
On the roof it's peaceful as can be
And there the world below can't bother me
If I make it into the stairwell, I still can't get onto the roof by myself because I haven't got a pocket to carry the key in.

We all went onto the roof this evening to see if we could see that planet thing that is happening in the sky.  It was too cloudy, so F just cleaned the solar water-heater panel while we were up there.

I'm closely supervised on the roof - there are too many other roofs that I could easily escape to.  Imagine the rooftop chase ..... queue scenes from Bond movie, Tigger the master cat-burglar escaping from... no, hang on that would make me the villan and the villans always lose in Bond movies.


  1. Hari OM
    Oh yes, there are some fantabyoulush Bond roofy chases you could emulate, Mr T... but definitely recommended if you value the integrity of your bones and joints!

    The night before, and (I suspect) tonight ... cloud free. Last night, the impawtant, astronomically significant night? Wall to ceiling rain and the blanket cloud from which it fell. Sigh... I have the pawfect line of sight from the Hutch for sky-watching. Mostly that involves cloud in one form or another.
    Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. I'm sorry you couldn't see the planets Tigger. Mum showed them to me on the Sunday night, but on Monday when they actually joined (and the nights thereafter) it has been too cloudy to see anything. Purrs, Mittens 😻

    1. Wouldn't you believe it - not a cloud all summer. Now a excess of the stuff. I wonder how many humans have taken a break from their woes to even try and see it. xxx Mr T

  3. It would frighten years off me to have to chase you all over the rooftops
    Maybe Mary Poppins would come and get you with her magnificent umbrella


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