Vintage Clothing

Excursion to hunt and gather festive season food. 

Mr B suggested we take a different route (I think he was embarrassed about the tinsel on my float).

So there we were wandering along a back street....
.... and we haven't even got a smart arse caption for a disintegrating shirt hanging in the exposed wardrobe set in the first floor wall of a disintegrated house. 

Make up you own story about how it got left there.

one of the suggestions - See MadSnapper


  1. Dear Tigger, I love that you can get Mr B to take you out hunting in such an amazing chariot. I had a nice afternoon in a little nest that I have made in the long grass behind our home. Love, Mittens 😻

    1. Mittens - what I wouldn't give for a nest in long grass again. That would take me back to our allotment days - napping in the corn patch, or under the bean fence (which was an A-frame made out of an old swing frame.) - dappled sunshine, gentle heat, smell of warm straw........ enjoy your summer. xxx Mr T

  2. Hari OM
    OMC, Mr T... this picture has soooooo much to tell!!! Hmmmm, maybe, with your permission, we could all use it for January's FFF??? A combined effort to kick-start another set of twelve? It would be interesting to see what everyone came up with for the same image; everyone being a sum total of about half a dozen of us, but that's still fun!

    And I love your festive float. I am not at all festive here at the Hutch. Just the tree and me. That'll do. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Of course you can use it - Mr T's seasonal gift to you. F had sort of thought that when her brain was feeling less fried she might make up a story about it - so there you are. We have our holly photo ready - what do we do with it? xxx Mr T

    2. Hari OM
      the holly is simply to dress the Christmas day post - no words required, unless some flow of their own volition! Thanks for the piccie, Mr T. Due credit will of course be given!!! Yxx

  3. I wish we could do that with Mr Cat. sigh. you have a very adventurous cat there.

  4. I bet you make quite the sight travelling around in all that tinsel
    Very flash indeed. Unlike that shirt. Maybe it’s there to scare the squatters from moving in


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