Repair Shop

F has a toy bear. It doesn't look like a bear. I know it is meant to be a bear because it is called Mr Bear. The clue is in the name....

On the evidence of this photo Mr Bear could be quite old. He has all the sorts of repairs you might expect to find on a well used soft toy that is possibly in its 7th decade.

Remember the 'old newspaper' blogpost? We got there via Mr Bear's footwear, which for the last 50 years or so has been a pair of baby boots, newborn size, blue and white, knitted in super skinny wool on super skinny needles. 

Along with half a dozen other soft toys, Mr Bear occupies an old fashioned washbasin (and jug) set sitting on the dresser.

After our dust-up over cupboard access, and my rearranging of things on the dresser, F decided that the soft toys had collected way too much dust and needed to be cleaned.  In the process she discovered that one of Mr Bear's shoes had been eaten into a jigsaw puzzle with pieces missing.
...and badly stained it in the process

F blames an insect. (Which explains why she checked all the woolly jumpers.)

Suddenly Mr Bear was getting a face wash (a soap froth wipe-over).  While he was drying out from that his clothes got some darning and remodelling. I object to inanimate imitators of pets getting prime place and had to exert my superior status...

And now she is making him some leather boots. 

I tell you she has been watching way too much Repair Shop


  1. Hari OM
    MOL... good show that repair shop! I am impressed with the leather boottees. And that Mr Bear survives. My darling old Bonzo suffered the rise to the Hall Of Bears just before I left Australia. It was a slightly undignified end to a long and loving relationship, but I am afraid he had gone beyond the black stump of any repair facility! One darn too many. I do have lots of new stuffy companions, though none requiring my sowing or crochet skills. Yet. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. There is a special place for old bears. Mr Bear has an assortment of soft compnanions but none of them as venerable. They all arrived as odd gifts in F's adulthood.

  2. Ohhhh he is going to look fabulous
    I can’t wait to see him. Love love love old toys

    1. He needs to be restuffed but F can't bring herself to dismantle him.

  3. I, too, enjoy The Repair Shop. I haven't seen it for a while, they might have moved its time. I expect we all have something that we'd like to take along.

    1. We have been binge watching old series on pay-to-view. Mr B brings these techno whizz opportunities with him when he comes home. F makes do with Greek tv (or none) the rest of the time.

  4. awww so nice to see someone else has their bear too. Mine is nearly 50 years old and is named Ted.

    1. If we were really honest this bloke might have been called Ted when Fs parents gave him a name. Are they all 'hims'?

  5. Oh Tigger, you remind me very much of my friend Merlin who always has to be No ! :)
    Sweet meows, Mittens 😻

    1. Animate (like the OIK) or inanimate, I'm in charge around here.

  6. I do rather like the Repair Shop - it'd a clever and comforting mix of craft and narrative and character - a bit like your bear then.

    1. Comforting - that has put a word on it.. yes, comforting.

  7. i thought the first booty was the cutest ever but then when i saw the one F is creating, i think if wins. Bear looks great but you still outshine whatever you are next to.. I am going to search our BBC channel and see if we get The repair shop....

    1. She tried knitting new ones but hasn't got skinny enough wool.

  8. Oh, we do love watching the Repair Shop. Their artisans are so skilled. I love those leather boots!


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