Signs In Translation.

 It simply doesn't work in English but at least it's topical:

On our Sunday walk F was translating the doctors signs for Mr B - pathologist doctor, physio-therapist, micro-biologist doctor, ...then Mr B spied this one 

"Is that a 'quack'?" he asked.



  1. Hari OM
    LOL - I was so busy reading the sign that I missed the logo at first so wondered how Mr B could make quack out of kid doctor... then I looked up... bwwwwhahaha qquaaacckaaa qquuaack!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Replies
    1. That about sums him up. (We might be driving him quackers, locked down in a country where he doesn't understand the locals.)

  3. Coffit? Is that for real? But at least you look at those signs twice and wonder. So many places are called 'Maria's Taverna' or 'Thanasis Dress Shop' or just plain boring unattractive names.

    1. Then you will love a shoe shop local to here called 'Athlete's Foot'.


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