Same Walk Different Photos

I hope F isn't going to mindlessly take me on the same walk to the end of the road and back every evening, just to call it our outing for the day.  There are lots of things to photograph but by the end of week two we'll need to go somewhere else for me to have new things to blog about.

Our local landmark
Piraiki, the next inlet around from us, has a little fishing boat harbour, a tiny chapel, and that great big modern cross.
Shame about all those apartments, but at least their occupants get, like us, a regular supply of salt-laden fresh air to keep them healthy.  F pointed out an apartment right above the boat park and told me that it had been our second choice for a place to live.  (Apparently it was all black marble and dark wood, and as there were only 2 to choose from when she was home hunting for us, I'm glad she chose the one we have. )

Not all apartments are in pastel shades of loveliness.  They are pink, beige, yellow and cream mostly, so purple and cerise sort of jump out at you.

Make up your own story about the street name.  Casanova was a Venetian, and Venice governed bits of the western side of Greece for many centuries....


  1. Hari Om
    I have been thinking i need to walk around my hood and just photograph whatever I spot along the different streets... am getting desperate for fresh 'lens fodder', so I know what you mean about extending beyond... You have very interesting streets, Mr T. Even looking at the pavement structure and the mix of old and new is interesting to stranger's eyes. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Footpaths/pavements are a bone of contention. That one happens to be on the seaward side of the street and maintained by the 'council'. Outside apartments, the change from building to building suggests that each building has its own piece of responsibility. They are seldom contiguous. Some changes in level are served by steps, some aren't. You need to know your area or you could step off a 4 foot drop in the dark. Most pedestrians walk in the street. Between steps, planters, lamp posts and trees, parked cars and motorbikes, and unfenced openings into basement doors, the footpaths are mainly impassible. You never see wheelchair people out and about here, it must be truly awful to be anything less than really sound on your feet negotiating this place.

  2. the cross is beautiful, but the modern doesn't seem to fit the area. i love the flag. that tree is really something, our trees are doing the root upheaval also. We often look at 2 houses we almost bought when we bought this one and say the same thing, we made the best choice. for me to walk and get anything different than houses painted different colors, I have to get in the car, there are places to walk, 2 to 10 miles, lovely spots to walk, but Bob can't walk and I don't like driving there and walking by myself, thus the boring houses i get on my walks.
    your comment on my Clever Me tells me you, F are MUCh more clever than I am. I am not able to make a cover or a pillow case. and I do have one pillow that I fight to get in a case.
    I enjoyed seeing the trim on the apartments in those colors. we found a house done in pink and purple but the light was to low to pick up the colors... i like the view of the bay or water, which ever it is

    1. There are different kinds of clever. F is a tech disaster. I have just watched her trying to put some digital words on a digital photo (there is a noise that follows like 'bombed out' in a TV game show) - big time failed. Mr B will be back next week maybe we'll get him to do it for us.

  3. Lovely to see these photos. Some things stay the same and some things change. A purple house ?

  4. At least it is only a stripe. Dark green is becoming quite popular (as in DARK green).

  5. I just love the cross and flag - you got some good photos.


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