
Peering at us from above the gutters of some of the surviving older buildings around our neighbourhood are rows of little faces. They seem to have weathered at different rates and many have succumbed entirely to the ravages of time and physical forces.

It's a shame that nothing of their kind adorns the pediments of modern Pireaen residential constructions.  Skulking above the top edge our our building is a row of satellite dishes.  Satellite dishes have their uses (I have two; which make perfect sleeping places for a Tigger-sized cat.  Some jiggery-pokery to turn them round on their stems and fix them to something in high places, some upholstery and a sleeping mat, and there you have it - "Bob's your Uncle" as F is inclined to say.)

Sleeping in satellite dishes is something that Kiwi's of a certain age will understand.  Back in the days when TV was not broadcast 24 hours, there was a 'close down' time.  TV Kiwi (a cartoon character) and his cat, retired to their home and sleeping place in a satellite dish.

I digress from what was meant to be a vignette of local residential embellishments.

They actually look as though they might be of more than one face and hairdo design.

I wonder if cats on roofs have knocked any of these down.  Cats are a physical force to be reckoned with....


  1. Haha, I remember the TV Kiwi - we even used to stay up later just so we could watch him and The Cat go to bed!

  2. In answer to your question, Bunny and Bruno were already named that by their old owner, they just joined our household and have fitted in well although Mr Cat gets jealous sometimes.My grandparents lived in Mount Albert in the 1960s and 1970s funnily enough in Hampstead Road, it's near Alberton House and I grew up on the north Shore.

    1. Tigger sends sympathies to Mr Cat. There is nothing worse than having your space invaded by other cats. The humans think you are very generous to take in more cats; at least they are handsome stripy ones.

  3. Oh I love those heads. Who do they represent, do you know?

    1. We don't know and secretly hoped that Linda might know and let us in on that knowledge.

  4. It would be nice to have pretty Embellishments but I wonder if you could get TV or Internet through one of those statues? They look very very old as in hundreds of years maybe

    1. Good point. Internet and TV are far more useful. They make my humans sit still long enough for me to get comfortable on them.

  5. Hari OM
    those adornments absolutely are all individuals - surely all hand made with love and skill... nowadays, even if they were used, they'd all look the same, like shop manikins.

    ... if Robert is your mother's brother, who is your grandad's son...? Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. I wonder what they represent. In Cardiff thee are gargoyle type creatures all along the castle walls - there was saying if a girl dumped a boyfriend who was unkind or perhaps not the most handsome that she'd' put him back on the castle wall'...

  7. Poor lads, but we like the humour to it.


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