Final Friday Fiction - The Bear with the Pearl Earring


enigmatic expression
garbed in blue and gold 
alabaster complexion 
reflected in the soft glow of a pearl earing

I know his history
- his real name is Sweden Bear
and his earring was a find in a street somewhere....
He's no big deal.


  1. Hari OM
    Oh, but Mr T, he is indeed a big deal - for we have picked a similar theme for our poetry today. Oh yes we have - pearls, my dear. Pearls.

    Thanks for joining FFF once more with such a fine rendition. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. I AM the big deal around here. Furrings and purrings Mr T

  2. Looking good there - a ring in each ear too - what a dude.

    1. Well none of us know what the Girl with the Pearl Earring has got in her other ear.

  3. We all know Dear Tigger, that YOU are the Biggest Deal in your home, but I agree with yam, this bear FFF is a really cool big deal!! love it. and of course luv U too.

  4. Oh he's so cute, with his ear ring he looks like a bit of a rebel - go bear!


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