Soft on my Nose

Evenings have changed from cool to balmy - soft on my nose and eyeballs.  The air is gentle.  Soon there will be the sound of crickets if we and the crickets stay up longer than the drivers and motorcyclists so that entertainers and entertained can actually make audio contact.  With the end of most lockdown restrictions our street has become a slow-moving traffic jam of loud music and loud motorbikes.

Motorbikes ride out in groups, their riders holding shouted conversations as they move.  Get a car for goodness sake.  Better still go to a cafĂ©, sit down and have a real conversation.  Get an exhaust muffler and at least then you wouldn't have to shout.

A cackle cuts through the darkness and traffic noise. 2 young women stand at the top of the rickety stairs, faces illuminated by the light of their Smartphone screens.  

A bus stops. 904. The lights are on inside and we can clearly see all the passengers. They look weary.

Two girls on pedal bikes....10.30 at night?  In the dark?  In this traffic? Is that really safe?

Red lights on St George's islet.  Wind turbines.  No one lives there.

Dog-walkers are notable for their absence now that it isn't needed as an excuse to go out or break curfew.

Cats gather and conference under the oleanders in the garden.  We can see the white one very clearly.

Bedtime - "Come on F, it's bedtime; stop writing and come indoors." 


  1. Hari OM
    ...I could almost smell the dust. Not that you mentioned that sub-tropical smell of risen dust of a balmy night mixed with the meals made and a certain something else that can never be defined... sleep well darlings. hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. miaow tigger. it's too hot to be wearing fur. phoebe.

    1. It protects my delicate skin from sun burn!

  3. The hustle and bustle of the city. Great description. Could have been there with you. Wouldn't mind exchanging our silence for that bustle now and again.

    1. Cities have their attractions, we agree, but it must be nice to have an escape to the countryside too.


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