

Jacaranda is flowering all over town. This one is in Korydallos.

Perama is looking particularly beautiful clothed in avenues of subtle purple jacaranda.


  1. Love jacaranda trees. I’ve planted a couple hopefully the frost doesn’t kill them and they grow to give me a purple show.

  2. I hope yours grow to be big and as beautiful as the avenues in Perama.

  3. I love jacarandas. I remember some huge ones in Te Puke, always full of colour. Here the colourful Bougainvillia is everywhere

  4. our Jacranda are blooming also, but not like usual, drought has made fewer blooms. tigger, that fish would have made enough cat food for the rest of your life. we don't know what happened, Bob had the option to have it stuffed for a wall for 1000.00 or have it cut up for food. we did not want it so someone on the boat took it

  5. I love these gorgeous trees! There are a few here in New Zealand and look wonderful.

    Feel free to share at My Corner of the World

  6. I love those trees. Quite a few of them here have been planted along streets in lots of 5 or 6 and they show a nice purple mass of colour.


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