
F tells me we are starting work in the office again next week - just me and F.  For some reason (probably best known to some Greek bureaucrats) F's plague vaccinations were booked on some sort of 'never-never' and she doesn't get her second stabbing until mid-August.

That means she can't work with her fully vaccinated colleagues until nearly the end of August, unless she undergoes a lot of testing to make sure she's 'clean'.

Unclean.  Unclean

So there is an arrangement - we go the office Mondays and Fridays when no one else was going to be there anyway (and enjoy the air-con and the peace and quiet, and the use of the coffee machine, and a change of scenery basically), and they will all be piled in there together in their fully vaccinated, 'we're invincible' invisible force-field shields on the other 3 days of the week.

So I get to keep her all to myself for another 6 weeks or so.  I regard it as my compensation for Mr B not coming home for our holiday this month.

And here's something for you to contemplate:  Before he left Mr B booked and paid for a round trip flight with a certain orange cheapo airline on the 'off-chance' that vaccinations and quarantine rules would stack up in the right order for him to come here in July and go back to UK without having to miss the start of his next booked work at the beginning of August.  The flights were £18 each way.

A couple of weeks ago Mr B rang to say the airline had cancelled the flights, so the holiday wouldn't happen.  A day or so later he rang saying he had just been looking at the airline website and discovered that while the noon flight had been cancelled, a previously non-existent 1400 flight (between the same airports) had suddenly appeared and the tickets were GPB500 each way.  

A certain airline wouldn't have been trying to take advantage of people having booked and paid for holidays in Greece to try and extort a bit more on the air-fare to get to that holiday would they?


  1. I can't believe that of SqueezyJet.

  2. No? Really? OK we were just being deeply cynical then - we must be the kind to see conspiracies everywhere.....

  3. Oh nooooo big business is always 100% pure
    Yup I’m being very sarcastic
    Being in the office all by myself sounds very nice indeed

    1. The air con is nice. We don't have that at home . I think F can take her enviro principles too far in that respect...

  4. Hari Om
    I am no conspiracy theorist. I do know blatant commercialism when I see it though! That's disgusting. I think Mr B did the right thing, Tigger, hard as it is to miss him. The crazy man in #10 seems to think all is well with the world and is about to throw all caution into prevailing wind. Despite significant increases in reported infections again - even among the Vx2 population.

    Which means that I also think F is on the better end of the work deal at the moment. It will be interesting to watch how things develop for those in the other three days. Vx2 or no. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. We lost faith in politicians decades ago so it's no wonder younger generations are not turning out to vote - maybe they sense our apathy, or maybe the largely self-serving plonkers in governments around the world want it that way: no one to answer to.
      Cynicism reigns.

  5. OMG conspiracy theory is two of my favorite words and I do believe they are out there and I agree 100%. That's why they canceled his so they could charge more and I couldn't do that legally so they just moved it to another time. Tigger I have to say that this is just about the most beautiful photo of you I have ever seen I can see your gorgeous green eyes and a beautiful markings on your face and you kind of remind me of a Bengal tiger. Make that a bingo Tigger. I'm glad you're going to have company at home for another 6 weeks

    1. I was keeping a close eye on F in my hammock chair. She has that d****d camera everywhere.

  6. Flights will increase in real terms price for many years. Regardless of the demand related tactics you describe there are already other new charges on bags and boarding - I guess the airlines have to make up their losses somewhere/somehow. It's one of the many hidden costs of COVID that will be with for a long time yet.

    1. Flight prices need to increase anyway (CO2 and all that), but they should just do it honestly instead of drawing people in with a deal, then trapping them if they've made other commitments on the back of it. Fortunately we had booked nothing else.

  7. miaow tigger, i am still social distancing because it has been said that we cats can catch it. i have found a box in the garage to sleep in. phoebe.

    1. We heard that too. F made me a mask. There's a photo somewhere in my blog of me wearing it. I'm not making it easy for anyone to find. You stivk to the box in the garage. Cats are programmed for social distancing aren't we? Xxx Mr T


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