
F broke a tooth the other day - I know because I saw her spit it out.  That will serve her right for eating cherries absent-mindedly.

I offered to take her to the vet but she declined.  Shame - I rather fancied holding her down on the X-ray machine.

She went out somewhere on Thursday without me, and when she got back she showed me a strange white blob where her tooth used to be.  She said it needs a 'crown'.

Pussy cat, pussy cat where have you been, 

I've been to London to look at the Queen

We nicked this off 'Freepik' (

Her tooth is going to look a bit strange don't you think?

The rest of the cherries got pitted and went into the drier, to be saved for the Christmas Cake mix.  The drier is out on the back balcony pretending to be an air conditioning unit (same noise).  It is not just so that the neighbours don't think we are under resourced shack dwellers with no air-con.  The heat is generates is not welcome indoors.

We were going to blog separately about the heat but Linda (local kiwi alien) has said it all in her 'meltdown' post.  On top of all that the buildings and roads in the city have saved the heat so the place is like a pizza oven and the temperature has not been going down at night.  The only positive in the city is that devastating fire is less likely.  We really hope that Linda, Poros, and the rest of Greece are all spared any truly devastating fires this summer - well any fires at all, but that might be a tall ask.

F's nephew, H, spends his summers fighting fires in Western Canada (where he lives with A and F2).  They have had it particularly bad this year.  So we send our 'stay safe' messages to them as well.

From crowns to heat - how did we get here?  Oh heck, while we are rambling we might as well point out that Cowes Weeks started today and Mr B is right there.


  1. Hari OM
    Fabulous sailing event, Cowes Week, shame it's not televised. I hope that tooth isn't too bothersome for F. It might make her a tad cranky, Mr T, so your simpawthee may have to be exercised a bit. Sounds to me like laying the cherries on a tray on the terrace would have been as effective at drying them as the noisy non-air-con... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Cowes is rather over-shadowed by Olympics this year. At least the drier is quicker and keeps the flies off, but yes, the last few that still need to dessicate a bit more have been subjected to air drying. Furrings snd Purrings Mr T

  2. Can I send you some rain? Lots here!

  3. Rambling is fine - on foot or in words. Taking our writing for a walk is good exercise... just don't chew on the cherries while you do so!

    1. I try to make her keep the ramblings in her diary - but sometimes she exceeds her remit as merely a secretary and I end up with a collaborative post. Today i just let her waffle on. Regards Mr T

  4. i just walked in the door from the first 12 minutes of our walk in heat that felt like a pizza oven, and then a black cloud dumped pouring rain on us, we turned around to go h ome and walked as fast as we could walk, arriving home with water pouring off my hair and clothing soaked including underwear. dried Beau Dried me. came here and here we are. so sorry about the tooth and I hope T is not in pain. tis ok to go from tooth to heat to cowes because as you saw today i went from solar lamps to hubby doc appts. I did have grammar in school but could never comprehend it, and laughed when Hootin annie wrote use whom with a prepositon, and i have no clue what one is.

  5. If you want us to be sorry about the rain we will be. I hate rain so I understand. Last time it rained here, F went out and ran up and down the street in bare feet (in the rain) and said the water was really hot. That seems so long ago it is fading form memory. Good luck with all those doctor appointments.

  6. In the dental office I work in, we have a cartoon of a woman with a crown on with the caption:
    Dentist: You need a crown...
    Her: I know, right?? Lol.

  7. oh no, I hope getting a new crown wasn't too expensive, I think here one crown is about $1500 maybe.

  8. I have an air dryer and I used it lots to dry my herbs
    Haven’t used it in years I don’t grow as many herbs now it’s just easier to buy what I need
    Getting lazy in my old age
    Hope the tooth gets fixed soon


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