Dead Scooters and a Christmas Ride

Far from dead and very sparkly. (Found parked outside an art gallery).

Some of the dead scooters are placeholders for carparks, or placed in front of curbside cafes to stop people parking more or less on top of the coffee supping customers. Some are simply abandoned dead scooters. There are 100s (well maybe dozens) in this city.

Scooter history - some fun stuff 


  1. my first ever viewing of abandoned scooters. scooters are just now starting to show up here. any scooter left abandoned would be towed away after 24 hours. of course since C-19 you could leave anythinganywhere because there are not enough police officers to have them towed. i like the deorated one best and would leave it out all year just like that.

  2. Hari Om
    Well, I guess if parking is at a premium, having a default 'vehicle' makes sense!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. I wonder if you collected a few of the dead scooters could you use the parts to make one
    Come back to life. It would be a great free ride

  4. Placeholders! What a brilliant idea.

  5. I really like the Christmas lights on the scooter - did Tigger want to jump up and explore?


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