
After Yoda, the next new concept in my world is Grinch.  Apparently Grinch has stolen all enthusiasm out of the world.  

Grinch might have something to do with the infotech systems at F's work.  All last week I was at work and I learned some new language.  Grinch has changed the way emails go to F's phone and it doesn't work.  She and her colleagues have some sort of team mailbox, which their techy colleagues decided to use as a trial run for 'migrating' everyone in the company.  The process appears to have generated loads of malfunctions that had not been foreseen or anticipated by the techies.  The number of times that their emails crashed on PC and phone last week made everyone tired and cranky.  Inboxes emptied themselves (which ought to be a welcome thing but apparently wasn't), pages of entries on some database would vanish, things would seize up and even logging off was impossible.  I just kept my head down in my igloo, and snacked on my lunch from time to time.

I did try logging on one morning just to see if my password would be more helpful.

F reached the pinnacle of her fed-up-ness when a long legal opinion she had drafted refused to send, refused to save, and looked like being lost completely.  Her colleague in a flash of brilliance suggested photographing it a bit at a time with her phone before crashing the computer by simply turning it off at the wall.

F hasn't much felt like engaging with computers and tech stuff while all that was draining the light and positivity out of each day, so my blog has languished a little and she won't let me publish any of the new language I learned.

She has to present a Christmas message imbued with good news and seasonal cheer to a company wide ZOOM meeting on Friday.  She asked her colleagues what good news she should convey in the short presentation - and the best they could come up with was 'well none of us has walked out yet'.

The Grinch seems to have sucked up all of their seasonal goodwill.

Things I am grateful for - Mr B came home again last Friday that should mean more chicken lunches than I get from F.


  1. Hari OM
    Oh I know that foreign words. They go like this... #( &#$E( @@#@()*&%& *#*&$ 99 @#()
    And the weird thing about Angerease is that just about everyone can decipher it even if they don't speak it and can sympawthighs with the sentiment!!! I was spewing a bit of it myself recently, as my dear old Voovoo is gradually releasing her responsibilities to provide service - the latest thing is her wifi connector. Dead. Kaput. It wies and fies no more... so I have her cobbled onto the tiny YAMroid and pray that the almost as old tablet can hold out for a few months. If I disappear from the etherwaves for any length of time, you will know it didn't... Hugs and whiskeries YAM-aunty xxx

  2. I worked in a company for 13 years, HR Outsourcing! All Computers. Will make this quick. I fully undersand what you went through because I went through the same hell.
    Our company was small, it grew fast and became valuable, sold to the highest bidder, new owner, new software, new computers, sold again, same story. the integration with the Old Home Made system by the IT GUYS was a horror.... we had to keep hiring IT specialists' because 2 then 6 could not handle it. I know all the words... and one of the things we did was generate PAYCHECKS to HIGH DOLLAR employees.. OMG.... the last 3 years were pretty smooth but when I hit age 62 I took early retirment because guess what? they sold the company. NOT me I yelled as I ran off into Retirment world. Compuers gone wild. so glad you were MIA because of work and not family problems or illness. hope it gets better soon...

    1. F is considering early retirement. The last straw might be that the geeks are promising (not threatening but promising) to replace all android phones with fruit products next year. F has never used a fruit product in any shape or form and it not looking forward to being forced to learn yet another new language. She is of the view that how you interaction with your tools should not be something you have to actively think about - your tools should support the things you have to actively think about, thereby allowing you to do the job you were employed to do. She maintains she was not employed to spend 70% of her time feeding a database that jealously guards whatever is entered and prevents it being recovered when needed.

  3. Technology is fabulous. When it works. Mostly it’s just annoying.
    I don’t understand why change something that is working.
    It it ain’t broke. Don’t fix it I say


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