Dreams are Free

There we were wandering along the street when Mr B suddenly became a teenager...

... and then reminded us that there's an 'even better one' just up the hill from home.

He either had, or had coveted one of these (back then)....
.....but possibly in better condition.

Mr B has been walking past this Suzuki wreck for nigh on 3 years now plotting ways it might be restored.

Bit past it don't you think?

Dreams are free.


  1. He needs a back yard full of treasures and long grass, like ours, to fix that up. He needs somewhere he can dump it and play.
    I'm not suggesting that he brings it here by the way. We already have enough treasures.

  2. Good for spares though!! Arilx

  3. Dreams are free but all the parts you will need are not
    But boys and their toys. They never outgrown them. It’s a harmless
    Pastime so go for it I say

  4. yes to bit past it, but hubby Bob sees one for sale, ONLY 5000 dollars and dreams of buying it. he came home and said I saw an old Harley and it is only 2000.00. I want to buy it. I did not say the kind words a bit past it. things got Loud and I threatened divorce if he bought it. he was 83 then and 85 now and always says if I die first, he will bury me and go buy a motorcycle. he had 2 in his lifetime and about 60 different cars. retired from racing when he was 21 because he and his wife had a child. Dreams are free but getting both legs cut off or head smashed while riding a death trap is not free. have two friends that each had an accident. guess what? one of the men, now has fake legs from the knees down and still rides a motorcycle. oops! this one hit my rant button

  5. Hello Tigger (and F) ...
    After an unexpectedly challenging December - as much logistical as anything - I was tonight finally catching up on some of my favourite blogs to wish their authors a happy new year and say thanks for reading and commenting on mine. Yours is one of the very special ones and one of my best finds for many years - it has made me laugh, as well as informed and entertained me almost every day - thank you for that. I feel as if I am not always to return the compliment of commenting but I do read as much as I can.
    But enough for now - here's to better and brighter year ahead and to more blogging adventures both feline and human. Very best , Mark.

  6. I have a thing for most things vintage so I would be the same, especially vintage cars.

  7. It's good to have a project. Just don't let it in to the house. Many a bike restoration took place in a kitchen or living room.

    1. F's brother built a home over his workshop so the bike (or in his case cars) wasn't in the kitchen so much as the kitchen was in the workshop.

  8. Hari OM
    ...and here is yet another (I think the fifth now) blog post of a pal that has slipped under the reader radar for some reason... )(#$&&(*%*(#%^&#^ Blogger!!! Anyway - nice for Mr B to have memories triggered, Tigger... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Some very weird thing s have been happening to our reading list larely. It certainly doesn't help our catching up. One day only Tasker's posts came up - going back months. We had to go through blogs we follow one by one and that made us find recent posts we had not seen 'timely'. Life's rich tapestry! Xxx Mr T


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