Cat Sitter.

They think I haven't worked it out but I understand these things; it's this time of year that Mr B  takes my van back to England. I'm  beginning to suspect that F might be going along because from my high place satellite dish I have watched her booking hotel rooms on her phone. I overheard her say stuff about pet-friendly....but then I overheard a telephone conversation about Aunty P cat-sitting for a week.

Aunty P had asked if she could take refuge in our place while we were in Olympia (long story, another post) but there are reservations now about her looking after me for a week. 

Aunty P is a smoker and she thinks no one can tell if she has been smoking indoors.

After our Olympia weekend, it took my humans a week of 'doors open all day' in the coldest weather, several loads of washing curtains and bedding and of airing stuff they can't wash, before the stale smell of cigarette smoking had finally subsided.

Aunty P is under strict instructions now that all indoor smoking at our place is absolutely banned (it always has been), and that this applies to her too.

However, soft furnishings are being bagged and put away, the rug cleaned and rolled up, and the place transformed into Spartan summer mode prior to the cat sitting engagement, but I'm soft, and I don't want to get put in the laundry when they get back!


  1. Oh yes. As a non smoker I can definitely smell if someone has had a cigarette
    It’s horrid and it really does linger for days and days
    Maybe she can baby sit at her place?
    Or do they have catterys in Greece now?

    1. F has had 'words', nice words but very firm words and we think Aunty P will respect that this time. She has done so in the past. It would help a lot if the weather would warm up.

  2. Hari OM
    Ugh... If it was that bad after only a weekend, I dread to imagine how it might be after seven or eight days. One thing I am pretty certain of; no matter how fond you may or may not be of aunty P, you will be over the satellite when F returns (even more so if Mr B does too!) Wishing efurrybuddy all the best for that week... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Dear Yam-Aunty - it was possibly a bad weekend. Aunty P was in our place seeking refuge from something so she might not have been in the best of states of mind. And there was no one here to pull her out of herself. I will be the distraction and reminder next week. Fz & Pz Mr T

  3. Oh Tigger, whatever your humans end up doing, I am sure your welfare will be at the top of their list. I mean, how can it not be?
    Us cats were made to be the most important thing in their lives :)
    Deep purrings, Mittens 😻

    1. F said it is sort of preparatory to us moving back to UK later this year. I would get my garden back - and a fireplace in the winter time. I liked that fireplace. And I liked our neighbours because they always had a warm house I could visit if my humans had gone out somewhere to earn scooby chips to buy my food. You should be starting to check the firewood piles Mittens, it will be getting cold at your end of the earth in a month of two. xxx Mr T

  4. You’ll have to do that ‘cat manoeuvre’ you know the one - the interrupting thoughts one - the patting of the face one - each time she puts a ciggy in her hand. There’s no way she’d light up with you that close to her…well at least I’d hope not.

    1. I'll try it - and then maybe I could make money as one of those gurus that teaches people how to stop smoking.

  5. I have scent allergies and can smell a smoker for 40 yards away, even passing them in the grocery store I can smell it. My son and his wife smoke, but they never smoked in our house and don't smoke in their own house, they always go outside. you be careful you are not put in the wash when they get back.. I am happy for them and sad for you, because I know you will miss them a lot.. tell F that in my hometown Savannah GA USA, they turne the Savannah river green and serve green foods of all kinds on st pat day. green grits, which is kind of like corn meal


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