Quiet Monday Evening in Strasbourg Centre

I got moving postcards today (the wo ders of technology) - turn up your sound again....

It doesn't show in these photos but it is built of red stone.
Cathedral Close - nice place to eat, drink, listen to music, admire architecture....

Taken from the doorway of their apartment building.
Central Strasbourg, Monday evening, Kleber Place is deserted. The whole city had a slightly abandoned air about it, and the only folk who were out and about were walking or cycling.

F loves Strasbourg so much that they are talking about going back in the Autumn. Maybe I can go then....??? 

This guy needs a cat:


  1. Hari OM
    Lovely, Tigger. I visited Strasbourg in 1971... can you even begin to imagine how long ago that was??? I remember the cathedral very well - so beautiful - as is all of that city. I understand F's desire to return and surely hope that you get to go too!!! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. F went at Christmas one year, when the cathedral close was full of christmas market and thinks that bits of the cathedral might have been wrapped like a parcel. Cathedrals seem to be in permanent state of repair don't they? One side of this one is still being worked on - a bit like painting the Forth bridge (or the Oresund bridge, the maintenance requirements of which have apparently come as a surprise to its designers and operators. Who'd have thought it would need regular painting?!!, 🙄)

  2. Hi Tigger!
    I'm Nobby, successor to Bouncing Bertie, and I arrived at Gail's house yesterday. I'm missing my siblings right now, but Gail tells me that if I go round and say a nice hello to Bertie's friends (yes, even the C-A-Ts) then I won't be lacking for fun and companionship. I'm told the Bertie was a great traveller and even visited Germany and Switzerland by ferry and train, and maybe I'll get to do the same one day. When I've got the peeing and pooing business sorted of course.
    You can find me at my blog: https://nicenobbynaughtynobby.blogspot.com/
    PS Gail says she's visited Strasbourg a couple of times, on the last occasion it was on her bike, and when all her fellow cycle tourists with fancy electronic gadgets got lost trying to find their hotel, she pulled out a scrappy old paper map and led them there no problem. Not that she's boasting about her direction finding ability, you understand...

    1. That peeing and poohing thing does make travelling challenging. I like a nice private bathroom myself (alfresco used to be my preference but I definitely need privacy). I hope you do get to travel...have you talked Gail into getting you a tagalong for her bike? We read about a bloke from your part of the world who took a cat on his bike tour. F admires Gail for her use of paper maps. Their batteries never go flat and tall buildings don't confuse how they get their bearings. xxx Mr T

  3. the Cathedral is Awe Inspiring, as are the chimes of the bell.. I love the low light and am glad you showed it to us at night. Tigger would love this but maybe not those bells.. or maybe the bells can't be heard. I think Nobby needs a side car on Gails bike, he might get to big for a basket... I would love to sit and just stare for a while...

    1. The cathedral is much better than F's photos, and the music was better still. He had the perfect place , was playing as they sought out the cathedral. They could hear it from the square as they approached so he was already playing when they arrived and played continuously for the next two hours that my humans were there.

  4. I changed the comments to use Reply like you do, but totally forgot I did it so changed it back. I have had the popup since 2009 and will just leave it alone... yes the harness has a few pockets, can carry treats and ith has poop bags in the pop up for easy access, but no way to carry water, which would be nice. it is easier to control an 80 lb dog with a harness. of course Beau doesn't have to be controlled

  5. Oh wow! Looks amazing
    Was the music from a loud speaker or people playing. I couldn’t see

    1. Busker, with a piano on a hand trolley. Have piano, will travel....


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