There be Dragons

Misty murky hazy grey
Is that salt or dust in the air today?
Leaden louring dismal fey
The end of the world might look this way

Fuzzy furry, views decay
Chaotic sea and wind tossed spray
Sealine skyline foggy fade
Nothing to see across the bay

Blurry bleary much dismay
Edge of the map would this portray
To each of you I should convey....

And in case you are left wondering, first you should know that beyond the edge of the charted world 'there be dragons'. 

What happens when you get to the edge of the charted world? 

Well we always assumed you'd fall off, but F has been there and says that the uncharted world is a place of grey nothing, no lines, no shapes, no light, nothing to focus on. Even your peripheral vision can't detect a sneaky shape lurking in the grey woolly blanketness of the seascape that lies in the place where the charts don't overlap. There is no horizon and you can't even see the front of the boat. (It seems to me it might have been dark at the time; you humans have dreadful night vision.)

She makes it sound vaguely disconcerting and quite possibly a good place for dragons to hang out.

We peered seaward from our balcony in pre-dawn gloom one morning this week to discover that everything had disappeared; not shrouded in something you could focus on like a fogbank, but lost in a diffusely grey sort of way, like being at the bottom of inside the bed and being unable to work out which edge isn't tucked in to find your way out.

I did wonder if maybe the edge of the world had come to us.


Ambit orbit vista view
Aegina's back, and Hydra too
The sun is out The sky is blue

Work out your own last line.  It might have been dragon smoke, but we didn't get fried and I'm happily napping again.


  1. Hari OM
    The dragons' flumes did the world renew!

    Sounds like what we here would call a haar...
    in which you cannot - not at all - see far!!!

    Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx
    B=Branches and Berries

  2. My last line...
    I love me and so do you.
    Oh well. I tried.

  3. so glad the dragon did not harm you. YOU LOOK SO COMFY!!! not a dragon dream in your beautiful head. Beau says There Be Dragons, he saw them tooooo

    1. Hi Tigger, I just googled souvlaki and it came up and told whatg it is and also gave me two places that is it served. one is Olympic Cafe, which is a Greek Cafe we have eaten in many times. We love their Gyro's and that is where we go when we want one. We can't go there doing the winter because it is 2 miles from the beach andon the road that 87 million people are on i the winter time. If you go to youtube and search what to do with yougurt containers there are many ideas... good luck

  4. Eerie and yet sounds fascinating
    It might be nice to just wander around in the world between worlds
    And I’d love to see a dragon. Not a nasty one. A kind and gentle one who wouldn’t mind
    Sharing a meal and discussing important worldly affairs

  5. I've only experienced a true Sea Fog once, and it made a sort of low moaning noise like a living creature, and surely must have been a dragon breathing. It was actually quite freaky :)

  6. The dragons know not what to do!

    And yes, as YAM-aunty says, you had haar, and Aberdeen favourite...

  7. Sometimes days are made of dragons, totally unpredictable for us humans but predictable for cats.


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