Goldilocks weather

Hot weather has returned. We have gone from inddors being warmer than out, to indoors being cooler than outdoors. We are possibly in Goldilocks weather in the shade on the balcony.

F did some gardening and came indoors all damp and dripping. The tagetes seeds she sowed a month or two back have turned into plants that are starting to flower. Success! We don't get many annuals to survive the scratching about of dogs and cats in the open areas of garden space. The nastutiums fell victim of humans this year - someone clearly doesn't like them and ripped them all out and threw them in the bins one night! They didn't even have the decency to leave them as mulch to stop the surface soil from drying out.

Some escaped destruction in shady corners

Pretty, but we don't know what they are

Someone dumped several bushells of potting mix (possibly emptying old pots) on the area where we put the moss rose seeds, so that has probably spelled their demise.  The New Zealand spinach has gone a bit mad so F tore out loads of that and used it as mulch.  As it dries out local  cats make day nests in it and enjoy the shade under the oleanders. In spring and autumn F harvests the fresh young leaves to make spinach pies and risotto, but as the days heat up it tends to get slightly bitter.

People are out swimming - I watched F go for a dip. She reports that there is less litter on the beach than in other years. Let's hope it is a trend that continues.

The two-stroke tug with its distinctive noise powered past again this morning towing the trireme again. This time it had masts up and sails furled on the cross jibs.

Just another day on the Piraeus riviera where something is always happening.

(PS Amy if you are reading this - check the spam folder in your comments.)


  1. Goldilocks weather is very elusive here. Enjoy yours Mr T.

    1. Maybe the big bad wolf ate it. Oops! Wrong story.

  2. the spam folder is making me crazy!!! just sayin. I think I can hear the two stroke engine. Tigger you look beyond adorable in your bed.. Hugs and love. Yay for the swim and we are hot hot hot too.. I did the lens search for the pretty flower and possiblity is Mexican Evening Primrose
    What is wrong with people who snatch out flowers others plant and do all these dumb things. Tigger why isn't F afraid someone will grab you and kidnap you while she is out in the water? I would be scared to leave you there. do you have an alarm? a way to alert her?

    1. You and YAM-aunty appear to be right but the name is misleading becos it flowers all day. Our real evening primroses only flowered when the sunset - and the moths came out. I watch F go swimming from our balcony. She won't leave me unsupervised on the beach in case I go exploring and find a cave she can't drag me out of (whi h I would do given half a chance).

  3. What vandal would tear up nasturtiums? They're FOOD! Also pretty.

    1. Our upstairs neighbour is one of those people with the weird idea that gardens should have discreet (as in isolated) plants and bare earth. It would seem that rambling ground cover challenges his sense of a tidy garden. For a country that gets so hot (Athens is the hottest city in Europe), you would think they'd have a better appreciation of the cooling and humidifying effects of vegetation. They don't. And its really surprising.

  4. neither of us have a passport but after veiwing the video we need to enroll Beau in that school in NZ.. for a car not a plane, who knows what he would do if landing on a ship container. wild tales. thanks for the articles

  5. Hari OM
    I think your pinkish flower is a version of Evening Primrose... very pretty as are all the others. I LOVE nasturtiums - very tasty in salad. Just back from a big outiing my my pal Aitch... we are both tired but happy and have seen lots of ships, birds, flowers and peeps. Report in due course! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. F loves nasturtiums too. I and my feline cousins just love the shady spaces they make (and they might not understand it, but the humans (if they stopped to think about it) would realize that when nasturtiums rambled around under the oleander, you couldn't smell that cat and dog (and human, truth be known) toilet smell in the garden. We have caught humans using the garden for both kinds of toilet relief! We are sure things are more civilized in your part of the world. Fz and Pz Mr T

    2. Hari OM
      Ye gods - what is WRONG with people, eh??? I am not so sure that any part of the world is fully civilised, Tigger ol' pal... certainly in Edinburgh and Glasgow (and maybe even Dunoon) late night pub-leavers may not necessarily identify the difference between a toilet door and someone's front gate...Yxx

  6. Gail thinks the water looks very tempting and is wondering what the temperature is. Tigger, you do appear very comfortable curled up on the balcony, and we are guessing you are not a swimmer?

    1. Panos told us the seawater was 14 degrees C yesterday. He called it cold. F called it bathwater. I think she was lying; i have never known her to take a bath. She did say it was MUCH warmer than the sea where she lived on south part of NZ. Probably warm by your standards too. Paw smacks Mr T

    2. Incredible photos Tigger.

  7. Looks like you have the very best spot there, Tigger. Pity about the nasturtiums but glad the tagetes are performing well :)

    1. Good thing about nasturtiums is that they find somewhere they like, you can't keep them down.

  8. It seems I can only comment anonymously- but the sea picture looks very nviting! As I write thunder and lightening are crashing, and there is such a big pool of water in the garden from the heavy rain that I might go for a swim there! Stay cool Tigger! Tink

    1. Tink, i should warn you swimming is for ducks. I can never understand what you humans see in it.

  9. How rude to just pull up all the plants.
    That would be very annoying
    Our weather is cold but at least we didn’t get any rain


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