Loaded to the Gunwales

Tuesday: here I am on my way to work.

I'm sure there is and SWL (safe working load) for a Donkey and we appear to have exceeded it. 

F bought me a new bunk for the office  (my igloo had a ripping accident), and it got piled on top of a plant trough from home which was already balanced precariously on Donkey's handle bar.  The plants for the trough were underneath AND we also stopped en route at a plant stall in the Tuesday laiki to buy some grass.

We suffered two serious collapses of the (fortunately plastic) plant trough and its tray, which I managed to catch before they tumbled to the ground - and I remained totally Zen throughout.  I did end up having to share my saddle with the grass plant, and we arrived at work with everyone laughing.

I'm pleased I have cheered their day - now where's my chicken?

As for the new bunk - it smells like a shop.  It needs my nice comfortable lived in smell before I will condescend to use it.  Ripped Igloo is still better.

I gave in eventually, but made F bribe me first - I've got her well trained in that respect

(PS. My colleague is till in hospital, the new woman (other one) has the plague, the young bloke is permanently working from home, and the boss is out at a seminar.....so here we are again....me'n'F).

It's 'gunnels' by the way if case you are wondering how to tackle that old boating word.  The top edge, the last bit that stops you from sinking.... my new bunk has 'gunwales'.


  1. Now do boatswain. Your workplace might as well be home, if the advantage of shared space and the all important watercooler shared chat isn't a thing.

    1. Bosun. Our friends had a cat called Bosun - he lived on a boat so it seemed appropriate. Bosun was a Boston Thumb Cat. F agrees with work from home up to a point. The point in our case is it involves the dining table, which is also the sewing table, repository of cycling gear and knitting projects and attended by chairs, none of which were designed to accommodate bums for 8 hours a day.

  2. Hari OM
    Crikey, Donkey earned its keep this morning, eh? As for the staffing situation - well, let's say the office is defnitely not having its gunwales challenged! Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Office hasn't been challenged attendancewise for 2 and half years...the staff are now permitted to work 2 days per week from home but it seems some come up with an excuse most days to simply not bother to attend the office even on their contracted days. We go for the air con! 🙄

  3. Tigger, I have an idea. If F gets really tired of being the only one working in the office, she could take up using Donkey for helping folks move their stuff, you know not a Moving Van but a Moving Donkey, with a feline assistant to keep the clients happy and smiling. I always smile when I see you no matter where you are... it was quite masterful the way F piled all that STUFF on donkey and yet had room for you....

    1. I get loaded first - then get told to 'hang on to stuff'. Fortunately coming home was less encumbered. F can't photoshop me into the pic so we just have to pile it on znd hope I keep my nerve. I'm Zen.

  4. Tigger, that did look a rather precarious ride to work and Gail and I are most relieved you arrived safely.

    1. I was OK but we nearly lost the plant trough twice. Donkey needs panniers.

  5. I'm sure you and F will be fine, the plant between you both will increase that Zen. Bruno and Mr Cat don't do plants or Zen but considering their bodily positions in front of the fire sometimes I wonder.

  6. I’m sure you are quite the sight travelling to work
    Sounds like your the last man standing.
    Keep holding that fort

  7. Donkey was certainly working overtime on this trip! Reminded me a bit of how we used to load the car up with the family and "everything except the kitchen sink" when going on holiday all those years ago :)

  8. Reminds me of the days when ‘baby came too’……strapped into a pram surrounded by groceries in the days (many years ago) before home deliveries.
    There are perks to all jobs…..in your case (as you mentioned to Yam) Cool Cool Air.


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