Bass Woofer

Down the street came the biggest dog in the world. It definitely weighed more than the human it was attached to; a k9 with a 'woof' that rumbles buildings.

Bass woofer.

I'd been watching F wander across the street in the dark to take a photo of the moon path, and saw the monster k9 leading its human (stage right) towards an F encounter when out of stage left comes our upstairs neighbour with her two k9s; the tiny one that goes for a walk riding in a sling, and the normal medium one called Moka that barks and barks and bounces at stuff.

If the new k9 sets the upper limit of 'large' then Moka is small and Molly (the handbag k9) is lunch.

Moka strained at the string and snattered away at the newcomer. Mega k9 went 'woof'......

...... and set off the alarm on that annoying scooter parked on the corner!

I told you it's the biggest dog in the world.

Trying to look intimidating......


  1. That sounds a big dog Tigger. Very intimidating me thinks.

  2. sorry Tigger, you just look adorable and sweet and beautiful, no intimadation coming through. I assume the encounter ended well since there are no further details. Glad you and F survived and were here to tell the story. Beaus Woof would set off an alarm, through the door he sounds, well, alarming but a sweeter dog there never was.

  3. I would have run away.
    Where is your pink nose today, Tigger?

    1. Did you know polar bears have black noses JayCee? And they have to hunt with a paw over their nose in order to stay hidden?..... I hide my nose sometimes to maintain my camouflage.

  4. That's hilarious. Such a reverberation!

  5. Hari OM
    Gracious - a volcano of a bark, then? I like a dog with a decent woofer... and a cat with s witherer of a look... hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. He doesn't waste his woofs. One seemed to be enough. The strong, (mainly) silent type. Fz & Pz Mr T

  6. Oh my that really does sound like a monster of a dog.
    Trixie likes to bark at dogs walking past the house. I tell her she can kill that dog.
    He could choke oh her as he swallows her whole lol
    I don’t think she gets my humour

    1. Sounds like you and Mr B have the same funny bone. That's his kind of funny.

  7. That does sound like a rather big borker or barker as I call them, Bruno would be curious.

  8. Tigger, your intimidating look is just so cute.
    Oh, did I say the wrong thing?


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