4 Mysteries Solved Before Breakfast

"They must have been thrown out before we moved."  F was looking for the all purpose shoes she wears for cycling. Mr B was still in bed, so I catpinned him.

Mouldy old shoes.

"And I can't find the tyre pump that fits the bracket on the bike." 

"There are loads of others" he said.

"Yeah but they don't clip on...oh botheration..."

Then Mr B queried the whereabouts of the slidy drawer bracket do-dakkies, for a project in the garage...

If only he could get into the garage....the stove they want to sell is in the way.  I can squeeze past, but it is developing into one of those things you move, and move back.....

"So sell the stove" she said.  "I have to research the model first" he said.  "Just refer to the book that came with it."  "What book?"  "The one I found in the kitchen drawer and put with the stove."

Of course it wasn't with the stove now, so that is shoes, pump, book and drawer sliders that have all been sucked up by aliens.  I wonder what they are building out of that lot.

F eventually found them all, made her breakfast, pumped up her bike tyres, put on her shoes and helmet and disappeared off down the drive.  I still had Mr B catpinned, absorbing warmth from his tummy, so I'm not saying what time we had breakfast.

Armchair in the spare bedroom.


  1. Gail is just envious that F has been able to get out on her bicycle these past few days. An ongoing onslaught of heavy rain, gale force winds and resultant flooded roads in NE Scotland has deterred even the most hard core of her cycling friends from venturing out on two wheels.

    1. F said it was a very sedate reintroduction to some Hampshire Lanes, but fortunately not a muddy one. Next Saturday - hills. Xxx Mr T

  2. Is it safe to put feet inside those shoes without getting trench foot?

  3. I wouldn't have thought so JayCee. I don't even sniff those shoes to find out where they have been. Xxx Mr T

  4. Im glad these vital issues have been resolved. Peace reigns.

  5. If they were mine……First stop for those ‘shoes’ would be the washing machine, then stuffed with newspaper until dry, then doused in Glen20 as a finishing touch!

    1. Those shoes have walked over the highest peaks in England, Scotland and Wales (in under 24 hours), cycled several thousand kilometres, dug a few acres of garden, done 100km in 21 hours on the Thames Path, walked into and out of canyons in North Greece, attempted the South Downs Way challenge (another 100km in 24 hours), done years of general service and been destined for the bin several times but always seem to get a reprieve.

  6. Hari OM
    Ye gods, I know all about those peculiar black holes that seem to disappear objects you were sure were there... and then have them turn up elsewhere! Is it the universe pointing to the need for those things to be let go of??? Then again, if there is use and purpose still within them... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. at least we know where Tigger is and where The Chair in The Spare room is and that is most important. so happy the "botheraiton" was solved, and all went well, including no rain on the bike rider. Beau said he can PIN daddy easier than you, 81 lb/5.7 stone, can dogpin a lot of daddy. Butt he can't purr, MOL MOL

  8. Oh gosh, to get out on a bike here would be brave indeed - not the best west coast weather. Tough I didi take my poor sick Oscar out for a SNALK today - a mix of a sniff and a walk - at least he can mange that.
    As for misplacing things ..like glasses, say... well that's the sign of a high IQ isn't it - ha ha1

  9. I always used to say to the kids have a girls look. Not a boys look and then they would find whatever it was they were looking for lol

    1. 😹 yesterday it was 2 stroke oil for the strimmer (whipper snipper). Even the girl's look didn't find it where Mr B insisted it was hidden (F's shed), but she turned the shed out anyway and he did it all over again because he didn't belive her. After sawing up some firewood she went into the garage and found it on full view top shelf, ANB the thing the fuel mix is measued in. Just like that, no turning out of anything. F gets a bit anxious when even a girl's look doesn't find stuff. It plays on her mind so she reckons it pays to go do something else for a while. We have a nice pile of firewood now. Xxx Mr T


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