
Secretarial services are being rationed.

Railways are on strike.

It has rained a lot.

Welcome back to Blighty they said.

At least my humans lit the fire for me this evening.

I have the only piece of furniture in the house....and the fireplace is all mine too.


  1. Aside from that, Mrs Lincoln..

  2. We have lit the fire as well. We are having a polar blast and oh my I’m feeling it.

  3. Have they left you to your own devices then Tigger? Try the local b&b…maybe they’ve taken a room for a night (or two).
    Oh and it’s rained an awful lot here in Melbourne as well. I (and most of Australia) wish someone would turn off the tap in the sky…..and while they’re at it tell La NiƱa to Nick off as well

  4. You look like you have the best seat in the house Tigger.

  5. Hari OM
    Yup, soggy is the fashion around here, Tigger mate. Glad to see that your immediate needs are attended to, though. I am hoping that by the weekend you will have a choice of seatings... hugs and whiskeries, YAM_aunty xxx

  6. Not only do you have the best seat in the house you have the only seat in the house! I can't imagine a house without furniture that is one thing I have never done and I hope I never have to. Hope that furniture shows up soon

  7. Thank you everyone for your lovely and supportive comments on our homecoming posts. We will start looking for real action and interesting scenery for you this weekend we hope. Love to all Mr T and F


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