My Christmas came a day early

Whirr, whirr, whirr,....

F can hear me whirring above her as she types.

My tummy is wrapped around smoked mackerel starter and diced fresh chicken breast chaser. 

We are way way way behind with reading and commenting. Well we have managed some reading each day but haven't stretched to many expressions of wonder, encouragement, appreciation or enquiry - we still love you all and we hope that if you celebrate this season that you are doing so with people you want to be with, a little wonderment, a lot of love, and a good dash of genuine happiness (the kind that money, sparkly stuff and twinkly lights can't fake).

No stress - F thinks that is easy for me to say, but I read the plan on the whiteboard in the office. The good thing about plans is that you can change them. A course of dinner got simply wiped off the board when F couldn't be bothered making it. A few other bits got added around the edges. No one will go hungry (and no one will spend the following week eating leftovers everyday).

Presents have been wrapped in presents - one of the small humans is getting his birdfeeders wrapped in a new duvet cover with jungle cats on it. Two others are getting theirs in 5 litre dry-bags they can use paddle boarding. Last year F made some drawstring bags out of some silk scraps given to her, so other presents have been bagged up that way, and some are cleverly tied up in furoshiki cloths (also silk scraps).

In a  couple of hours they are going out for 'Roadkill & Roasties' - an event hosted every Christmas Eve by friends who famously roast a 'dead bird and some spuds' and share it around before everyone goes off to the pub together. (I strongly suspect the bird never ever went anywhere near a road but it makes for a good party title.)

While they are gone I might tear decorations off the tree ..... or not.  I might be getting a bit mature for silly games like that.

Well I did have to grow up sometime, and I would like to get more mackerel and chicken tomorrow, or possibly some of that ham currently defrosting on the kitchen bench.

Merry Christmas everyone and we hope that you have lots of good things to look forward to in 2023 regardless of whether you celebrate this season or not.

Xxx Mr T (Tigger)


  1. Hari OM
    Blessings and Love to you Tigger, and to F and Mr B and all others in your furmily;;; may it be joyous and truly festive to brighten these winter days. See you on the other side. Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Merry Christmas Tigger and family. Enjoy your mackerel and chicken. Have the best of a British celebration

  3. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Tigger and your humans. Arilx

  4. Who wants to do loads of cooking at Christmas? Nah, we are all prepared here, a little bit of pork belly for the hoomans with apple crumble pie from the supermarket with custard for pudding. The cats have all had ham for their dinner and they all say happy miaow back to Mr T. Merry Christmas.

  5. Roadkill and Roasties? My goodness, I think you need to go to the pub FIRST with a title like that!!!
    Wishing you all a great Christmas together. With love and purrs and hugz, from M and Mittens xx😻

  6. Oh yum. Roasted roadkill. My favourite.
    Have a lovely day xx

  7. Merry Christmas. It must be nice to have a traditional white Christmas again.
    Enjoy it all

  8. Any party that ends up in a pub sounds a good one Tigger. Hope you have a great Christmas.

  9. happy to hear your have been fed and will be fed again. we all know you will NOT touch the tree but you did make me giggle. Merry Christmas and i hope they brought you a little roadkill. num num

  10. Merry Christmas, Tigger (and to F and B). We hope there is more mackerel and chicken for you in the next days. Glad to hear you don't have to brave the pub!

  11. Roadkill and Roasties?
    Sounds AWESOME!
    PS Merry Christmas

  12. Hope you all had a nice xmas day, I"m waiting to get paid here so I can download a new book onto my kindle, as for the 4 sloths, I mean cats they had scraps of scallops yesterday so they should be well happy.


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