Junk & Disorderly

Sunday’s usually start slowly – that is how I know it’s Sunday.  Every other day the alarm goes off in the dark (although I must say the mornings are getting lighter already), but on Sunday Mr B manages to drag himself out first and comes back upstairs with cups of tea.

F went down later and made cornbread (it smells of melted butter), and grilled some bacon and brewed coffee.  I pass on the coffee and I am only allowed to smell the bread.  I get a morsel of bacon.

After the bird feeders had been restocked, F disappeared in the overalls and big boots carrying her shovel.  That means she is going digging again.  The day was very sunny and calm – Spring-like -  so I retired to the spare bedroom which gets the best undisturbed sun.  My relaxation only lasted a couple of hours however before I was scooped into the van and we set off with that trailer thing following us again.  Destination: Chichester and a visit to Mr B senior, where we all had a meal of some very nice casseroled chicken that F tipped out of a box we had stowed in the van (along with that cornbread).

It was only on the return trip that the reason for the trailer following us became apparent: more farmyard muck.  This time we were greeted at the farmyard gate by a marmalade blotched tabby cat who strutted about like he owned the place.  Possibly he does.  I watched him from the back window of the van.

Muck loaded, we careered back to the allotment, where my humans discharged the load while I investigated the neighbours’ gardens.  At least one adjoining one has some really nice bramble patches to disappear into….

Speaking of brambles… (but NO – F Tells me that is another post)

Our own plot is nearly corralled into garden shape (which doesn’t mean I approve.  It is a bit of an abuse of nature, but it does make F happier about growing those vegetable things she likes to eat).  Lots of humans were out in the sunshine ‘doing stuff’ on their allotments.   Some were digging too, others were rearranging the debris.  More debris (old doors) was deposited on the adjoining one we showed you a few weeks ago and the humans who brought the debris were heard to comment as they left that they could ‘blitz it next weekend’.  I wonder if ‘next weekend’ ever comes.  They would be unlikely to get a nicer day than Sunday for spending time ‘blitzing’ their piles of junk.

Speaking of junk, an advert has appeared on our TV for some kind of business insurance which plays on the names of real or made up businesses – like Pane in the Glass, Curl Up and Dye, and Rough Around the Hedges – which my humans were discussing when F mentioned her favourite (real) business name was a second-hand shop called Junk and Disorderly. 

That could be the name of our neighbour’s allotment.


  1. I’m like F I like to get it done on the first available day. I can’t see a reason to leave things undone
    I can’t wait to see all your beautiful veggies growing. I hope you post some pics soon

    1. She needs to start getting some of these seeds into dirt - it is still very cold, wet,sticky dirt and still has lots weed roots in it so we might be a bit late getting the veg established this year. I'll keep you posted though - Mr B has started rearranging the junk in the greenhouse we inherited so that seeds can go into trays.

  2. Hari OM
    MOL - oh yes, that's a pawfect name! Anyway, Tigger, I am pleased to read that you had an outing in your van and got snoopervise some diggins and spreadings and such like. Change of scenery is a proper holiday, heh na? Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. Dear Yam-Aunty, F read me your blog post about going away in a van. Vans are good, but does that mean you become a Digital Nomad? (and you can't afford to be Junk and Disorderly in a van.) We couldn't do it I think because there wouldn't be a garden to dig in, but we will definitely follow your exploits. furrings and purrings Mr T

  3. The second hand shop name is indeed pretty good. The Sunday breakfast sounds absolutely perfect!

    1. I can attest that the bacon was acceptable Nobby.

  4. I do love your blog titles. You're full of fun Tigger. Great business names too.

    1. Some people have great ways with words don't they. We borrowed all these - we aren't that clever.

  5. I know a blogger that will love the name Junk and Disorderly and can't wait to pass it on to her. clean up is always the first thing I do, back in the very distant past, I moved a LOT... before I moved in i went through the new place like a demon on speed cleaning and painting if needed. I can't imagine using the allotment for a dump in the first place. you are going to have some might fine veggies in a few months. so happy for you that you were included in the Sunday Outing this time..

    1. We are trying to imagine a picture of a demon on speed cleaning (although I suspect I already know what it looks like, F has some of that genetic material too). Perhaps you could photoshop us a 'demon on speed, cleaning'. xxx Mr T (and F)

  6. Big Fire perhaps? (We doubt it, and I can but hope.)

  7. The allotment seems to attract fly tipping by that user, promises to clear it, yeah, yeah.

    I used to work with a very funny guy who came from Nazareth Pennsylvania, and used to invent business names around that and Bethlehem Pennsylvania. His favorite irreverent one: Cheeses of Nazareth.

  8. Love the Junk & Disorderly! (and I also know a couple of people who would fit the description)
    Great to see Spring Fever is starting to take hold (all those seedlings and garden prep) - it means summer isn't far away (although for me that means winter!!). Happy supervising, Tigger :)

  9. You take me back to allotment Arty te xture (architecture) scenes Tigger: Polytunnels made out of water pipe and builders polythene, make shift sheds with stones and lumps of concrete holding down the corrugated roofing sheets and onions drying in supermarket trolleys. Happy Days!

    1. You must have seen our old allotment Dave. We even had and old kids swing set (swings removed) covered in fence netting to make an A frame bean fence. We have to get all inventive all over again....

  10. oh we love second hand shops, there's only a few here but they aren't as good as ones we had up north, maybe one day we can visit Christchurch, I'm sure there's loads there.


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