Fun Guy

Photo quality is a shame as these little fun guys were bright apricot coloured and don't look nearly so exciting in this 'android' photo.

They are on a cypress stump on the other side of our drive.  Our former neighbour Mike had a row of evergreen trees there that cast a deep shadow on our house.  He was an advocate of let everything grow as nature intended it (irrespective of whether nature would have intended it to be in that position in the first place).  The new owner has gone to the opposite extreme, turning the entire garden into a graveled carpark for the 'home of multiple occupation' that he created out of the house.

Only a single large stump remains of a row of trees, and as you can see the forces of nature are attending to its recycling.

What have you been kneeling in?



  1. They look like something out of a sci-fi film…..coloured domes encroaching on the surface of the earth.
    Hopefully you don’t have a houseful of noisy neighbours that keep you awake coming and going at all hours. Pit lane come to mind??
    Doesn’t seem to matter what’ ‘type’ of camera I use my photos of fungi turn our like a load of crap.

    1. One car, one natty scooter and 5 or 6 very quiet people. We seldom see or hear them.

  2. If only they could speak!
    Does the 'multiple occupation' mean a horde of new neighbours?

    1. It has been there about 4-5 years and frankly we see/hear less of them than we used too of our very elderly neighbour (who called Mr B every time he wanted to change TV channels because the technology had all become a bit much for him).

  3. That new owner does not sound like a 'fun guy', but we always enjoy seeing fungi. Gail says she also sometimes has problems with her phone's colour reproduction.

    1. Apart from blitzing the garden into a carpark, the new owner next door seems to be OK - the tenants seem happy enough with the place. Not a living style that either of my humans would adopt, even though both shared flats as teenagers and students. Next door is less community than shared a shared flat as each room has its tiny 'bathroom' and they all rent their space independently of the others. You don't get to choose your housemates.

  4. they are magical! looks like something fairies left there. amazing in this color and am thinking beyond amazing in bright pink. we are at the mercy of our neighbors, I will not go into my RANT. I am guessing compost on the knees?

    1. knees - more possibly some random k9 F met somewhere when I wasn't keeping an eye on her. xxx Mr T

  5. That fungus might be wolf milk slime. Such an attractive name! That living arrangement is interesting, wonder how it works in practice.

    1. You are right - not an attractive name and no wolves around here. The living arrangement? Well can't be worse than living in a hostel or halls of residence at Uni.

  6. Mother Natur paints some nice pictures like yours Tigger,

    1. She does, doesn't she? - and we only need to look around.

  7. Hari OM
    I love to look at fungi and mosses - and photographing them is always a challenge, no matter the 'camera' choice!

    RE the housing; only last evening I was listening to a podcast about how difficult the housing situation is in and around London (so, basically, the whole SE corner I guess) and that there is a real shortage of affordable single-person accommodations. There's a call for more to the sort of thing you have next door... but of course there are all sorts of other considerations in such things.

    Did you ever find out what had been kneeled in, Tigger? Hugs and whiskeries, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. The HMO next door is probably cheaper for each of the tenants than finding a 1BR flat each but tremendously profitable for the landlord when compared to letting a five bedroom house 'as a house'. Rents around here are ridiculously high and I have no idea where young people find the money to afford even a leaky roof over their heads. (Not saying next door is leaky - it isn't - but there are some foul offerings in the market and people are paying exorbitant prices for them because there is simply nothing else.)

  8. Even if not the proper color, they are cute little polka-dots up and down the tree ... we rather like them! Our camera phone does fairly well with color, tho it always depends on the natural lighting we're shooting in ... oh, and if anyone is curious about housing ... try it in a building with about 200-plus "senior" people where far more than half of them might knock on your door needing help to change the TV channel! (so sayeth this senior who does know how, sigh)

  9. Nature really is a marvel. They do look otherworldly. Like don’t get too close lol

  10. They are like little tiny beads, hopefully Tigger doesn't try to play with them.


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