Strange Season

The apple tree is bursting out all over with blossom. I guess it is like unexpected 'jelly and ice cream' for the nectar feeders.

I wonder what next spring will bring this poor confused tree.


  1. Hari OM
    Earlier today I found myself wondering... despite the rain and wind outside, the temperature was very mild... 13'C, which for October this far north, is about double the usual. Things are definitely shifting... YAM xx

    1. It might also have been prompted by me pruning it as soon as it dropped leaves. We got more mild weather and it started regrowing and then flowering. Poor confused thing.

  2. Everyone is confused with this weather.
    The poor things don’t know if they’re Arthur or Martha.

  3. The seasons are all mixed together. The birds will start nesting next.

    1. Perhaps I had better put out all the nets of wool and fur we saved up for nesting season.

  4. Out of season but very pretty.

  5. so true on confusing weather.. THEY are warning of SEVERE WEATHER headed our way late today and into tomorrow midnight. I agree with you on the poor thing is confused... Maybe this will be the new normal and it will have apples in the winter months. what ever the confusion, it is a stunning photo.. so beautiful

  6. I'm confused I thought you would be in the opposite season there.


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