The Biggest Fan

 21st floor. 

Pool and lounging deck. 

Strangely the pool has a treadmill and exercycle in it. Yes in...under the water. A chap is thrashing away on the exercycle.

It is one of those pools that is supposed to have no apparent edge. Infinity pool.

Infinity goes on forever. This pool stops about 10m from where I'm sitting and the opposite side is clearly demarcated by a railing and glass barrier presumably to ensure idiots and drunks don't plunge 21 storeys instead of the depth of the pool.

So much for infinity.

And beyond

Above me is open to the sky apart from some structural items possibly essential to the building's integrity and hanging from the beam is what may be the largest ceiling fan in use. (One could IMAGINE something bigger but engineering and installing an imagination can present practical problems). 

The breeze is turning it backwards.

Out here is rather pleasant; a welcome break from the glacial temperatures in the office. It really is possible to overdo air conditioning.  My colleagues think I am some kind of ice woman because I am not rugged up in 87 layers of knitwear and padded jackets.  OK it is cool but it isn't uncomfortable. In my view still summer dress temperature, but honestly the building managers could save a fortune by easing up on the air con two or three degrees and only people like me would break a sweat over it.

Singapore Flier , with those metal trees in the Marina Bay Gardens on it's right. 

From here I can see ships too, lots of them, and lights on Sentosa island.
Hmmm just comparing the HDR function on my tablet camera. Should have gone for the same biggification.


  1. On our first visit to Singapore we decided to sit at a table outside on the restaurant's rooftop terrace to admire the view. After only 2 minutes of the stifling heat we headed back inside to the AC comfort.

    1. I think I might be here in the 'mild' season. It is pleasant outdoors in the evening, and not excruciating even during the day.

  2. Lovely stories of Singapore. My brother and his family lived there for a few years. We have only managed a few long stopovers.
    Id love to see more

  3. I've always wondered about the safety of infinity pools on high or the advisability of allowing the inebriated anywhere near pools of any description.

    1. Like Greece, Singapore hasn't presented me with evidence of even mildly inebriated people in public places.

  4. Is Singapore expensive for food and drink? Super photos.

    1. Not sure how to answer that Dave - relative to what? UK is expensive relative to Greece. Singapore is more expensive than UK if you use the supermarkets. If you find an enclave like Little India, fresh food is probably less expensive that UK. I don't eat meat so not sure how that compares. Buying lunch is a similar price to London. Wine is exorbitant however and I haven't tried beer yet.

  5. looks like you are 'living the life' a lot of people would love to do. never had a view like that from any of my places I worked. we are waking to cool temps, I am wearing my orange sweat shirt to walk Beau but my mid afternoon we need light AC. my favorite time of the year. cool at night hot in daytime. to control our ac, i push it up to 81 at night and it goes off and on if we need it. so far 4 days of no ac, but maybe 3 runs atround mid afternnon

    1. People only blog the enviable bits. You don't get that there is no balcony to the apartment, not even windows that open. The entire internal atmosphere is sealed off from the world and regulated by technology - and most people live their lives like that here: out of sealed home, into sealed car/taxi/underground train, from there to sealed office/sealed shopping centre/restaurant etc - and back again when it is time to sleep. Sleep in a sealed environment. A couple of brief 'step outdoors' moments in the whole day.

  6. Hari OM
    I have never been a fan of aircon... and am equally hot that fond of central heating. I prefer to let the body cope (or not) as nature intended! I have seen some of these oversized roof fans in OZ - just having air movement in humid temps can be a benefit. Nothing more required, except, perhaps, a wet flannel. YAM xx

    1. Wet turban in my case when living in Greece. The problem is that ancient knowledge about how to build a living space and make it as cool (or as warm) as appropriate for the climate has been sacrificed to modern boxes whose environment can be 'created' by aircon and heating. There is a distinct lack of foresight that has gone into 20th century cities, and is unfortunately continuing to this day in many places. At least Singapore's administration acknowledges the 'heating' problem and is endeavouring to address it by greening Singapore - more on that later.

  7. Love Singapore by night. We went to the zoo during the night and it’s was still so very busy
    Those gardens are amazing. I’d love to go back one day and explore them some more. Unfortunately I was at the hight of my unwellness so I couldn’t do much sightseeing.
    Keep the photos coming please

    1. I have always been a bit agonized by zoos. I was soundly put off them as a child and can't bring myself to visit one now.


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