Love the Last

Please do click the link and read about it. The march is only on temporary display here in the Gardens by the Bay, so if you can't visit it here, it might be coming to a city in your country.  I have been feeling a bit choked by despair recently and have to admit that this made me shed a tear. Each animal comes with its story - loss of habitat, poaching, ....humans.

If I feel this way how is this stuff affecting our grandchildren?  There has been so much loss in my lifetime. For them these animals might only exist in zoos and old 'Our Planet' documentaries.  And these are our story book creatures, the big ones that we easily identify with. What does this say for all the small things that share their ecosystems?


  1. Hari OM
    ...oh my... well, that's my third thing; I earlier watched the Planet Earth III "Human" episode that held all the expected observation of how nature is having to adapt to us, rather than us to it. This was followed up with a podcast about the Dodo... this sculpture caps it all. It's beautiful and very, very poignant. YAM xx

  2. Humans are like a virus on this planet. We need to stop thinking we are more entitled to be here than any other living organism.
    This is an amazing and beautiful way to bring attention to this this huge problem

  3. What an amazing sculpture trail, and such a powerful message.

  4. As you say, this doesn't take into account the myriad tiny creatures lost forever. I never thought I would miss my car windscreen being spattered with insects.

  5. I hope it is still not too late to save the last.

  6. you are right, future generations will see this art as we see the dinosaurs now and until recently buffalo were only seen in movies. now they are raising them for food, due to the past killing them off for money.this display is amazing. so real they look like they could start moving at any moment.

  7. I watched the video at the link. so glad I did, the view of Singapore was worth it for sure and i see what you mean about teary looking at that long line of animals, I am already suffering from depression and chose not to add to it by reading more, but i get it!

  8. Beautiful sculptures. Man is the plague. I despair for the planet.


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