In 2012 I had set myself a challenge to bake 50 lots of cake/biscuits etc and take them (one a week) up to London to share with my colleagues. It wasn't until I was about 17 items into this challenge that a fellow woodcarver at an after work hobbyplace talked me into blogging the recipes and any stories that went with them.
After 50 I lost interest in continuing that blog (challenge completed) and a year or three later I killed off the email address I had set up to operate the blog without thinking that naturally that would kill off my access to the blog itself. Stupid woman. The last entries on the blog were early 2014. 10 years ago. I guess the unused account will get closed down by Blogger at some stage so I decided to 'save' the material by copy pasting and reposting it here.
Mr T would call it a hijacking. Mr T is not here to provide inspiration to continue his blog so I will pad it out with whatever I feel like posting. Maybe you will find one 'take home' recipe in the collection that will appear bit by bit over the next year or so. I find that a lot of my original posts lacked photos and I might have to go on a bit of a baking spree to remedy that in the reposts.
Because blogging followed baking by some weeks at the start, the posts were not in the order the items were baked, so the numbers are all over the place. When you see number 7, you haven't missed 6 of them. Just roll with it.
(And if you are wondering about Dojo - I was teaching Aikido in those days)
It’s hackneyed stuff now - turn a significant age and set a few challenges to prove there's still some life in the old girl. None of my challenges involved writing a blog about it. One of my challenges however was, over the course of a year, to bake 50 ‘cakes’ for my colleagues, and make every one a different recipe. It was never the intention to be 50 cakes as such, just 50 baked items - but it became my '50 cakes challenge'.
Perhaps the real challenge has been getting the baking from my kitchen on the south coast to my place of work in London - hence the blog name - but not everything has been subjected to the motorbike ride test.
Baking progressed fitfully through the Autumn of 2011 - a few batches of biscuits and hardy baked goods like flapjacks negotiated the A3 - but it was interrupted for a few weeks while I visited family in the Antipodes. Blighty was in the clutches of Winter when I returned, and I bowed to (my age and) the voice of reason, resorting to a commute by train – cake tin clutched under my arm every Monday morning.
The following recipes are a mix of inheritances from my mother and grandmothers, those basic things you are drilled on in primary school cooking class, gifts from friends, things clipped from calendars and magazines, and a few acquired from that wonderful resource – the internet.
It was when I arrived at No. 14, (a recipe of such meagre proportions that I decided to double it), that I choose to extend (for that week) the cake consuming opportunities to include the good folk at ‘Art in the Park’
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Art in the Park |
- a wonderful studio in Burgess park, London where I have the pleasure every Monday evening to chip away at some woodcarving project and socialize with other similarly motivated ‘chippers’ – and Cynthia. (Cynthia is a marvelous volunteer at the Art in the Park and Heart Garden establishment, cheerful, cheering, and full of enthusiasm and encouragement – just ‘not a carver of wood’.) Art in the Park Website here
No.14 was consumed with enthusiasm, the recipe requested and the recipe duly delivered a week later along with a sample of No. 15 – consumed with equal enthusiasm.
This Blog came has come about simply through their encouragement. It had never been my intention, design or desire to blog about anything. I don’t use Facebook, or Tweet, and still write letters by hand with a fountain pen! (In fact this has been drafted long-hand, on the back of paper scrounged from the recycle bin, in moments snatched here and there – the current chapter composed lying on the Dojo floor waiting for my Aikido juniors to turn up for their class.)
By the way, I make no apology for the measurements throughout being in a mixture of metric and imperial. I am 'of an age' such that it is the way I grew up – using both. Both make sense to me but in truth my old-fashioned balancing scales only have imperial weights so I am adept at conversion.
Baking. I gave that up about 30 years ago. Perhaps you will tempt me back.
ReplyDeleteI measure things in Metric but can only think in miles for distances. Also pounds not kilograms for weighing vegetables...
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see what recipes are about to appear.
ReplyDeleteHow fortunate your colleagues were to have you working with them (and baking for them)
ReplyDeleteHari OM
ReplyDeleteA great idea to revisit... though no recipe in this one, anticipation is raised! On the tech side, is the blog title not still visible on your dashboard? (Top left, drop down list arrow beside title of this blog, if it is). You can then go to Settings, scroll down to Manage Blog and 'back up content'. Then you can come back to this blog's settings and import. Click here to see Google's page on this. If you continue to use the copy and paste (which is fine), then you can paste using the shift key at the same timse as ctrl/v and this will insert in the chosen format of this blog. YAM xx
I wish. The two blogs were set up at the same time but on completely separate accounts, so when I closed the email I had used to set it up i no longer had access to the dashboard that operated it. I've been expecting G^^gle to close it down for some time since they started sending out messages about inactice accounts. It's not the recipes so much as the little stories with them. Xx TM
DeleteI started to get a head ache when I read the 50 cake/biscuit you intended to bake and GIVE AWAY! wow. you must really love to bake and cook. now my mind is running down paths trying to figure out how for you to get access to the blog. i can't bake and have never made a cake from scratch following recipe, only the boxed mixes and only for my boys who lived at home. I buy cakes at the bakery. same thing with cookies.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if you could set up the same email again and if so would it work. or contact blogger and ask them for help. all my blogs show in a list under my profile. I told you, my mind runs after tech stuff and can't stop. I might not be able to sleep.
I am thinking everyone benefited from your baking skills and i don't even know what conversion is or what imperial weights are. off to find out. I can use your copy paste to learn things I don't know about other than baking.
I love looking at/reading recipes - old or new - there is a ‘promise’ about them. Do this and you will receive this in return. I’ve come across so many ‘promises’ like that (in one shape or another) in my lifetime that now I just thumb my nose at them and do my own thing. That’s when I’m in the mood for doing things - and sadly these days that’s not very often.
ReplyDeleteLooking forward to seeing what you got up to all those ‘Pre Tigger’ years ago.
Tigger was running along in a parallel blog in those days but I had set them up as completely separate accounts. I've just realized that your December blogs weren't delivered to my reading list but I have picked them up and am reading my way through them so you might see some outdated comments. Wordpress seems to have made some changes but you are appearing in my reading list again with Things that made you smile. Xx TM
DeleteI can’t wait to read about your baking. And maybe try a few of the recipes
ReplyDeleteBut....did you end up taking the baking into work?
ReplyDeleteWait and see (in fact I had taken 14 lots into work before the blog started)