Nature Friday


Go to work in darkness.

Arrive home in darkness.

I have seen flowering blackthorn from the train window half way between the south coast and London.  It always seems to put on an early show; white and 'bridal' against the still bleak grey/brown background of fallowed fields and denuded hedgerows.

My Nature Friday offering this week is another autumnal one - a leave picked up walking home one night and savored for its mix of colour - green and yellow.

It has been pressed in my diary since then and, remarkably, retained its colour markings.

On 22 January I started a little 'challenge' which I found in the blog 'Not Afraid of Color' - a year's worth  of prompts for a daily sketch (having prompts might make me stick to it).  I hand write daily and like to doodle about with a pencil but have never been able to devote myself to practicing looking at and seeing well enough to draw carelessly.

If you have seen someone draw 'carelessly' you will know what I mean; capturing an essence.

This week I arrived at a prompt to draw an autumn leaf.  Ah - I have just the thing, and taping it on the opposite page I proceeded to create an outline.  The delicacy of recreating the shape, and tracing out the veining with a freshly sharpened HB pencil, struck me for its laciness and I refrained from going on with any of my normal heavy-handed attempts at creating depth and shadows.  There is little of me in this  vignette, all nature's beauty and design.


  1. That is lovely, F. Less is more!

  2. I can understand why you kept the leaf. A sharp HB pencil is as far as I get with drawing. Your drawing is lovely. Will you paint it with water colours?

  3. its perfect, could not be more like the leaf even if you traced it. wow! I say impressive. I like the idea of writing by hand each day. it seems i am forgetting how to do that. i called home for bob to read me the list i left on the counter and he could not read my writing. great idea.. so is the sketching..

  4. Hari OM
    What a delight, to have a little focus on drawing each day - the opposite of writing and balancing both sides! YAM xx

  5. Nice restrained drawing, yes, I like this.

    1. From your expertise in such things that is a cherished compliment

  6. It’s a gift knowing when to stop
    I think you have captured the essence. Beauty in simplicity

  7. You've caught the leaf's delicate beauty well.

  8. imagine my joy at seeing my blog name, so so so glad I mentioned that prompt list so you could draw your leaf and more.... lovely and you captured the details, the proportion, I love the slight curve to the stem. I also love that you notice the colors in leaves as you walk home from work. Noticing what's around us is so big isn't it? I have another blog friend doing the prompt list too, and she sends me a drawing each week on email. She encouraged me to draw a teensy wee hedgehog for her birthday and I love how it came out! Connections are a good thing... LeeAnna at not afraid of color

  9. Sounds like a typical Winter's day - we are starting to cooler nights here.


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