Ben A An

View from top - two bumps at the top.  The one you see is lower.
It's a hill of course. A little one. "1 hour up. 1 hour down."  That's what the man in the info centre said. That's about right ... 1 hour up with stops to photograph stuff and to make a phone call to Mr B when my phone pinged to say it was connected to something. (Foolish man wants reassurance I haven't thrown myself off a mountain and had left numerous call messages.)  
And 40 minutes down.  
Of course down is going to be faster.

Loch Katrine from the very top.

Loch Achay

Loch Katrine

Loch Katrine (a reservoir for Glasgow)

The objective (note the enormous stone steps in the path ahead. Scots who build paths must have giants for clients.)

There is a lot of water flowing off the countryside and much of it is peaty brown.
The photos loaded in reverse order.  You could just imagine I turned around a lot on the way down.

BTW this was early morning. The rest of the day was a scorcher.


  1. You take some amazing photos TM. Are the midges biting? Have you sampled any Malt whisky like Dalwhinnie my favourite!

  2. I just came in from our backyard I took Beau out for a potty break and it’s 96 in the shade and feels like 102 and the sun is straight up overhead and it’s like standing in a broiler are being the turkey that was put in a pan and sat in the oven and close the door. I have to say I was trying to not say the word wow or stunning but I can’t think of anything else that adequately describes how gorgeous this place is so here we go wow! What a stunning views! I could never get up there so I’m glad you did and I’m glad you called and let him know you had not fallen off the mountain

  3. The fact that there's a lot of peaty water flowing off the hills is your clue that Scotland's high rainfall is not a myth made up to deter southern softies.
    Cheers! Gail (who enjoyed a swim in the River Dee earlier today).

  4. I know this part of the world as seen from a bus!! Didn't see quite as much, not climbing anywhere.

  5. What beautiful scenery to walk amongst. Laughed at the rock steps - at least those won't wash away! And how sweet that Mr B cares :) xx

  6. I've never seen Loch Katrine from that angle! We did go to the cafe at the bottom end, and cycle up the side of the loch a fair way...and there is a cafe at the top as well

  7. Hari OM
    ...sigh.... aye, 'tis bonny right enough! YAM xx

  8. Glorious views from the peak. Sweet of Mr B to be so concerned.


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