Chasing Rain


On Wednesday we finally set off northward at last. No plans had been made other than to chase the red point on the compass needle. Purple fat clouds gathered in scowling banks that pushed and shoved their way across the heavens and frequently opened their doors and dumped water in great cascading waterfalls.  Whether they were chasing us, or we chasing them will forever remain open to debate, but there were times when it was virtually impossible to see the road. Mr B (very sensibly) backed off speed but it never ceases to amaze me that there were vehicles that raced on in an overwhelming cloud of spray and flying spumes of water.

Such confidence.

Late in the day I found us a place to stay in Windermere. A real bed. We paid more per person to go camping (in our own tent) on the South Coast in summertime, so relatively good value.  The room is small, but not as small as our tent. Mr B is happy - it has a TV.

Craig Walk : Typical street of houses in Windermere - stone, tall, sash windows.

Next morning we did a tour of the main business area and settled on a breakfast place where we could sit outdoors in baking sunshine.

En tour we found at least 6 businesses advertising 'Staff Wanted'.  Jobs abound but I've no idea if their wages pay the rent in a tourist attraction place like this.

We were drawn in here.....

Vegetarians look away now.

There were in fact also vegetarian pies - and the divine scent of freshly cooked pastry grabbed our noses and dragged us in ensuring we didn't leave until adequately provisioned with a selection of baked goods.


  1. Pie Heaven! Oh they know what good food is in the north west and oh to wash it down with a pint of Jennings or 7?

    1. Being a Kiwi I have a different version of pie heaven but the pies in the north are pretty darned good. I washed mine down with a couple of pints of Brewdog Wingman. (An IPA) Very nice too.

  2. Hari Om
    Hope you packed some thermals. It was down to two degrees in Ochiltree last night... And still in single figures now at nine a.m. But the sun is shining! YAM xx

    1. It was actually hot at Threave Castle this morning.😎

  3. Windermere is a pretty good place to end up especially with original Cumberland sausages.
    It always seemed to rain though whenever we visited.

    1. I think rain is part of the standard program for that district. I've been washed out of a tent there before now. It was funny, even at the time, but too long a story to tell here.

  4. All beautifully displayed to perfection.

  5. I am now craving a muffin.. those baked goods are a draw all by themselves. I can't stand the smell of a butchers place, or to watch one at work. that said, these are super great photos of the place. yay for a bed in a room and a TV, hope it had wi-fi. Wi-fi for me, TV for the mister

  6. Anything enclosed in pastry is delicious. I'll go for the sausages and some of that great looking meat.....and a selection of pastry goodies. Oh boy. Perfect eating for me

    1. Strangely the English make sausage rolls with flakey pastry but wouldn't dream of making pies out of it. Pies all have short pastry (except pork pies that have a hot water crust). The chili growler pies were fabulous.

  7. Looks like a typical English street scene. As for the pies, sure you're not really in NZ? You know how much us kiwis love pies. My favourite is seafood or mussel flavour.

    1. Between you and me these pies don't measure up - they should flake buttery pastry all over your jumper when you eat them out of a paper bag.... Flaky pastry aside, the do make great pies in the North.

  8. Gail and Nobby are both fans of Cumberland sausage. We were in the Lake District exactly two years ago.

    1. Perhaps we should have indulged but weren't sure we would be in any good place to cook one.

  9. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my goodness we had 2.8" of rain today...your blog title was funny
    Those pies look very tasty. WE had chicken pot pies on Fridays when I was a child. I loved them
    Hugs Cecilia


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