In League

Looking out this morning I nearly spluttered my coffee. Roland has returned and was calmly hoovering up the kibble thrown on the lawn for the crows.

Right. Not having this. All the rat traps got hauled out of the woodshed again.

It was while I was positioning one near the compost bins that (for no good readon that I could ascertain) a bee stung me on the arm.


Now my arm aches from my thumb to halfway up my bicep.

I wonder if Roland put them up to it.

Postscript - the incident was Tuesday. Today my arm is swollen, hard, hot, painful and there are no rats in my traps.


  1. Ice - vinegar - or a paste of bicarb - my mother’s cure alls. I’ve never been stung by a wasp or a bee so don’t know if they work
    I’d be inclined to pop down and ask the nearest pharmacist what they suggest

    1. Cold compresses and time probably best now. Mum used to use blue bags on me (fat lot of good, but then it wasn't until I was an adult she appreciated the extent to which it affects me. (NOT anaphylactic - which might have won some maternal concern. Anything less than that was treated with instructions to stop fussing. Fortunately I never broke any bones while subject to her version of first aid.) I'm not even convinced that antihistamines make any difference either. Mr B dosed me up but my forearm is still like Popeye's.

  2. Hari OM
    Cathy's suggestions are valid - but if you have an antihistamine cream/tablet, that would be a good idea. YAM xx

  3. here in FL this is common and we tap one finger in pure ammonia and dab on sting. it works on wasp, sting rays, jelly fish stings, and the lifeguards at the beaches carry ammnia with them. if you have not ammonia you can pee on it, that is what they at the beach
    sorry the traps were empty.. many years ago, a friend was pulling weeds in his yard and was stung by one fire ant on his hand, he had to be rushed to the ER and almost died, turned out he was allergic to stings

  4. forgot to say, we take Benadryl capsule if stung

  5. Piriton tablets that you can buy over the counter are excellent.

  6. So Roland is still at large. Oh dear...
    Hope the arm starts to calm down soon.

    1. Would Nobby mind coming by to water the monbretia here? Roland might get the message then.

  7. Oww! Hot and cold compresses alternately might ease the pain. I hope you recover soon.

  8. That arm doesn't sound too good. Please keep an eye on it - my mother developed sepsis once from a bee sting. Unusual apparently, but it does happen. Take care, Mxx

  9. Take some antihistamine tablets to help bring it down. Sounds like you have started reacting to the bee sting. It happens sometimes. You suddenly are allergic to something for the first time after not being bothered

    1. Thanks Angela. I have been massively allergic to beestings all my life but have mercifully had very few in adulthood (despite keeping bees in the garden). I'm not convinced antihistamines do anything but it is difficult to test. I've taken loads and still have a massively swollen inflamed arm. Normal reaction in other words. I have to tell myself it could be worse without the pills but honestly I find it difficult to believe. 72 hours and it will be all gone, antihistamines or no antihistamines.


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