Over Moray Firth

Moray Firth for the evening we were at Ardersier was calm, and quiet but for flocks of geese heading gsouthward.

We had seen some earlier in the day, rise off a field and head northward gathering up smaller groups, building a convoy, but heading in the wrong direction (we thought). By evening they had sorted out their compass work and were probably heading for an evening stopover at some beach, wetlands, or recently harvested paddock of cereal crop further south; honking loudly, the sound carrying far in the still evening, as they gathered yet more small squadrons and outliers into the big migration.


  1. this is weird because I don't usually see things in photos, but all three of these I see see something
    1st is a dog
    2nd is an alligator
    3rd is a big bird
    wondering if anyone else will notice that.

  2. I love the sound of geese - such a wild, free noise.

  3. We have resident geese who all start shouting and skeining and organizing their v formation. Then they finally set off and land in the next town. Then the whole performance again, and they're back. Big fibbers. They're not migrating!

  4. I loved seeing the geese flying overhead and hearing them honking. That's a big flock.

  5. What an awesome sight - and sound! I can imagine the noise, as having 3-4 fly over here can be loud enough :)


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